Chapter 6 Jail Time

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~Valerie's POV~

I wake up in a cold, dark cell. Great, Walker got to us again. Thank you Tucker. I look around and everyone is there except for . . . Danny! I look around, until I hear a grown in the cell across from us. It was Danny!

"Danny! Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied.

"OUR WEAPONS! THE GHOST SCUM TOOK OUR WEAPONS!" seriously? They care more about their weapons than their own son!? Ten minutes later, everyone else is awake.

"Is everyone okay?" Danny asked. Dude! Worry about yourself for once! Danny had cuts all over his stomach and his legs. He is butt naked.

"No one is hurt, Danny," Sam replied.

"Speak for yourself! My nails are chipped!" Paulina.

"OUR WEAPONS!!!" Maddie and Jack.

"Why does Fenturd get a different cell?" Kwan. Danny ignored Kwan and started to sing.

The class was in awe at his singing, but it was short lived because Walker came to yell at Danny.

"Stop all of this racket!" He yelled.

"Well if it isn't Mr Boring," Danny said while rolling his eyes.

"Shut it boy! I'm gonna cut you until all I hear are your beautiful screams~" Walker said as he walked up to Danny with a knife. Walker slashed Danny's cheek, and Danny just sat there. Walker made more cuts, but he eventually got annoyed at his silence. He walked up to a cart that I didn't know was there and grabbed a long whip. The whip was long and covered with red thorns.

Walker was about to whip Danny, but I saw his eye glint toward our cage. His frown only turned into a large grin. What is he about to do?

"Grab the blonde," some guards came into our cell and grabbed Dash. They dragged him out and forced him to look at Danny. Walker walked back over to Danny and uncuffed him. He then pushed Danny onto all fours and started to unbuckle his pants. Oh no! Danny is about to get raped!

Before Walker could do anything, Danny's robotic hand started to turn green, and a long, glowing katana materialized in his hand. Frostbite is so smart! He slashed at Walker and pushed him against the wall.

"If you ever try to do that again, I will cut off your dick myself. Do you understand?" Danny threatened. Walker nodded his head, so Danny threw him down and stepped on his dick as he took the keys. Walker looks to be in a lot of pain. His fault. Danny took the keys and unlocked his cell door. The guards holding Dash had already run away, so Dash wrapped his jacket around Danny's naked body.

"Ha! Rule number three! You got his gruncknuts!" A voice in the cell beside ours yelled. (a/n if you get the reference, comment and tell me how to actually spell it. Please)

"Hey! Jim! What are you doing here?" Danny asked the voice. It was our friend from Arcadia!

"Well we got sucked into this portal and Walker found us. It's Claire, Toby, Blinky, Arrg, and me. It is kind of cramped," Danny unlocked our door, then he unlocked Jim's door. When Jim came out, I was surprised. Jim was tall, purple, and had horns. He was wearing a red hoodie and jeans, no shoes.

 He was wearing a red hoodie and jeans, no shoes

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"What happened to you?" Danny asked.

"Merlin turned me into a troll. We defeated Gunmar though," Jim replied.

"Cool, now let's get out of here," Danny started running down the hallway and to the door. We are closer to the door than I had originally thought. We got out, and our carriage was waiting for us, "Everyone get in!" we did and we were off.

a/n Jim! Jim Lake Jr. and the trollhunters. Yes I pulled that crossover. I think it is great! Rule number three is the best rule ever! You actually get to go low in a fight. What will happen to them next? I don't know. I actually do know, the benefits of being the author, but you can't get it out of me! MUAHAHAHAHA! Hey I didn't cough that time!

~Lilith out

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