Chapter 14 Going Home

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Maddie's Pov

I was finally untied from the bus seat, so I went to the back while everyone else got off. I found all of my weapons, so I grabbed a couple and hid them where no one would be able to find them. When I got out they were talking about the city.

". . . is where they work, like restaurants, arcades, gift shops, and even amusement parks. The inner ring is where the international corporations are and right in the center is where the castle is. Also known as Phantom's Keep," Tucker explained.

"Ghosts can have cities?" Jack asked.


"What did you mean about finding Atlantis?" Mickey asked.

"You know Aquaman and Aqualad? They are from Atlantis, so it is not a myth."

"Why do ghosts work?" Maddie asked.

"They want to."

"Phantom's a King!! That means I will be a Queen!!" Paulina shreeked.

"He is already married!" Danny said while sweating a bit.

"What!? That bitch! Who is it that took my prince charming from me?"

"A guy. Phantom's gay, so even if he wasn't married, you would still have no chance." Paulina looked heartbroken and started screeching about random nonsense, "Time to get going!" Danny yelled as he started to walk. Soon Danny, you will be free of that ectoplasmic scum.

~One Hour Later~

We finally arrived at the castle. No one was here. This is a good time to talk to Danny.

"Danny! Can I talk to you privately?" I asked. He looked a bit nervous before he nodded. He led me to a big bedroom cover in space stuff.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"To help you. . . "

"Wha-" I pulled out my ecto blaster and shot him. He fell down with a thud. It shouldn't have hurt him physically, but blood was pooling around him.

"This will help you," I pulled out the Ecto remover and shot at him. He started to scream as he was splitting in two, but one half looked like Phantom. I knew it. Sam and Dash came running in as soon as the separation was complete.

Dash's Pov

Danny took Maddie to another room and not long after I heard screaming. Sam and I ran to mine and Danny's room. When we ran in, Maddie was holding a weird gun and Danny was on the floor, but so was . . . Phantom? Shit! Is all I thought as I picked up a bleeding Danny, Sam picked up Phantom. Tucker came in and took down Maddie.

"I was helping him!! He was possessed!!" She yelled with a crazy look in her eyes.

"Take her to the dungeons. She is convicted of hurting the King of the Ghost Zone," I said while walking away.

"Jes, Mia Reĝo. (Yes, My King.)" Tucker bowed and left with Maddie over his shoulder. We brought Danny and Phantom to the emergency room and started to work on them.

"They have been shot in the stomach. We need to ectoplasm in the both of them. Danny can't live without it anymore," I told Sam.

"Can't we find a way to fuse them back together?" She asked.

"I'm afraid not." Then we got to work.

~Two Hours Later~

We finally got Danny and Phantom stable. What am I going to do? I love both the human and ghost qualities of Danny. Now they are separated.

"Kiel ili estas? (How are they?)" Jazz asked.

"He is stable," Sam replied. I was too deep in thought.

"What happened?"

"Maddie separated Danny and Phantom."

"What!?" Valerie screamed, "Can't that kill him?"

"It almost did," I said. All of Team Phantom came and hugged me as I cried in their arms. Danny and Phantom almost died.

"Is Daniel okay?" Mr Lancer asked.

"He will be fine. You should go home."

"What about you guys?"

"We are staying here. When Danny wakes up, we will get married and officially live here. We have enough credits to graduate early, so school is not a problem."

"Okay. Lead us home." I everyone to the portal room and sent everyone through.

"Maddie is sentenced life in prison for attempted murder of many Ghost Zone civilians, so she will not be joining you." Everyone, except Team Phantom, went through and were never heard from again.

A/n Hey! So everyone is out of the Ghost Zone. Maybe I should cut it off here and make a sequel. This would be my first series, so if you want more, you will have to find my other book that is not on here yet, but it will be soon. This is the end. I hope you liked it!

~Lilith out

Danny Phantom: Field Trip to The Ghost ZoneWhere stories live. Discover now