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     Hela was ecstatic about becoming a Super Saiyan. It was something that had always been in the back of her head when King Vegeta told her about the power. Now she held it in the palm of her hand. She trained even harder on the ride home, tapping into the power of a Super Saiyan. She reached Planet Vegeta in no time. Hela was tired when she arrived, she had been training so hard she forgot to take care of herself.

      Opening the space ship, her eyes went deer-like when a very angry Vegeta was standing there, his arms crossed. If looks could kill she would be dead twice over. She gave him a smile as she climbed out.

     "In my defense-"

     "No. You could have died. What did I tell you to do? Leave. But you didn't,"

    Hela held up her hand, "listen. Frieza is dead. Wasn't that the goal? Well, he is dead. And I have become your so called legendary Super Saiyan."

     His eyes widened, taken back, "so it's true... King Vegeta will want to hear about this,"

     Hela smirked. She could imagine a whole planet of Super Saiyans. With this knowledge, the Saiyan race will be unstoppable. As they walked to the castle, Kakarot came flying out and tackling Hela to the ground. She let out a groan as he punched her as she was hitting the dirt.

     "WHY?" He yelled.

     Hela pushes him off of her before dusting herself off and standing up, "You all we're going to die."

     "Now I have to train to get stronger than a Super Saiyan!"

     Hela smirked, "I could teach you. We all can be Super Saiyans. We're strong enough,"

     Kakarot attempted to punch Hela in the arm, only to have her grabbing his wrist. She gave him a poisoned smile before they walked into the castle. King Vegeta greeted them in the entryway before leading them to a large war chamber. He listened as Hela recounted the tale of what happened and how she killed Frieza by becoming a Super Saiyan. At the mention of the Super Saiyan every warrior listening to the story gasped. She turned her attention to the few that were allowed in the room. They were whispering but she could hear some words. Some of them didn't believe her.

     King Vegeta asked her to demonstrate. Hela smirked, agreeing immediately. Everyone took a few steps back as Hela raised her arms slightly, letting the power flow through her once more. Prince Vegeta was angry that he wasn't one first but he couldn't help but smirk when her hair began to defy the ten times gravity on Planet Vegeta. It sparked a few times before it was engulfed in the yellow energy of the Super Saiyan. Kakarot was nodding his head, a smile plastered on his face as he watched his best friend turn. Hela opened her eyes, revealing a brilliant baby blue staring boldly at the king. 

     "Incredible," King Vegeta said.

     "There's only one problem," Hela stated, tilting her head at the few warrior Saiyans in the room.

      The king questioned her but she didn't respond at first. Her eyes twitched as she looked at each Saiyan in the room. It wasn't just the power of a Super Saiyan in her but there was something else. It was telling her something important. Turning to the king, she formulated what she was feeling.

      "As much as I wish it to be true, not every Saiyan can become a Super Saiyan," She stated.

     More gasps came from the Saiyans. They began to protest, telling Hela that she was wrong. Hela laughed at the ignorance and returned to normal before talking once more. 

     "It's just what I was told,"

     "By who?" Kakarot questioned.

    "I don't know, it's a feeling more than a person. Even when I turn Super Saiyan it's a struggle to hold the power. It becomes easier every time but the power of the Super Saiyan can and will consume the weak, destroying them. Only the most powerful Saiyans should attempt the transformation,"

     The room was full of more protests before Prince Vegeta snapped, "Shut your mouths now."

     Hela smirked when the room grew silent. King Vegeta put his hand on his beard as he thought for a minute. Kakarot stood next to Hela, waiting for someone to say something. It was silent for a couple of minutes. Then the king let out a long sigh.

     "We will have to rely on Hela's guidance on who can and cannot transform. Any Saiyan can attempt it but they will be terminated if they are deemed a threat," The King stated.

    Everyone nodded before they left to spread the news. It left King Vegeta, the prince, Kakarot, and Hela alone. King Vegeta left soon after, Kakarot following behind. Hela began walking out while stretching her tired arms. As she took a step into the hall a hand grabbed her shoulder, spinning her around. She was against the wall in seconds, Prince Vegeta staring at her with a mixture of anger and something she couldn't decipher. 

     "You were reckless," He growled.

     Hela sighed, "Really? It's done with. And now we know how-"

    She was cut off by a swift kiss. Her insides ignited as he became rougher by the second. Hela kissed him back and soon it was over. Looking into his eyes, there was still an angry Vegeta staring back at her. But behind the anger, there was a smirk plastered on his face. He dropped his hands, letting her leave. Hela smiled, shaking her head.

     "You're bipolar," Hela stated.

    He grinned as she walked away, "I just wanted to make sure you knew who you belonged to."

    Hela stopped, looking at him with a raised eyebrow, "I belong to myself. You're just going to be an important part of my life but don't get it twisted, it is still my life."

     She left the prince without a chance to reply as she turned in the hallway, heading towards her bedchambers. The sight of her bed delighted her as she laid down and was instantly engulfed in a strong slumber. A grin was plastered on her face, she was home and everyone knew who she was. She only hoped things would stay so simple.


Okay guys, so. FRIEZA IS DEAD!! (Maybe? -evil smirk-) But, I can't truly bring Cell into the mix due to the fact that Piccolo rules Earth and he's evil... So, any ideas? I've got a few such as a new race coming from a universe they've never heard of and challenge the Saiyans. Also, who's happy Vegeta and Hela finally kissed? 

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