Screw Plants

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A year of peace went by. Hela would spend every day training with either her husband Vegeta, her best friend Kakarot, or any other Saiyan that was able to make the Super Saiyan transformation. Sadly, not everyone could transform. It required insane training and discipline. King Vegeta has yet been able to transform. The only other Saiyans that have transformed other than Hela and Kakarot was Vegeta and Bardock.

Hela didn't travel anymore, even though she enjoyed getting off-planet. Politics were becoming an important part of Hela's day, which made her want to kill herself. Prince Vegeta luckily took most of the political responsibilities but when Hela had to show her face she always hated it. There was one thing that the Saiyan race learned about their new Princess: She didn't care. It wasn't that she didn't care about the Saiyans, she loved her race, but she was a true Saiyan who didn't have time for diplomacy or talking. 

"Princess," Guard Three Hundred and Twenty-Two, the name Hela gave every guard, caught her attention in the courtyard.

Hela stopped in her tracks, she was going to train, "Yes?"

"King Vegeta requests your presence,"

"And to the King I go," Hela sighed, spinning 180 degrees and walking back towards the castle.

Her cloak smacked the guard in the thigh as she stormed inside. Prince Vegeta was standing outside the King's courtroom, a smirk plastered on his face. Raising an eyebrow, she looked at her husband. He didn't say anything. Instead, he offered her his arm and walked her inside.

She was greeted with Bardock and Kakarot talking to one another, the King in his throne. The room grew silent as their eyes traveled to Hela. King Vegeta sat up straight as Prince Vegeta closed the door. Excitement filled the air, that much was clear. Hela knew instantly that something had happened. Maybe that meant she was going off-planet. A fight would be nice, Hela thought.

"Everyone's here," King Vegeta commented, "So let's get straight to the point. I'm sure you've heard of the Narlan race,"

"Yes," Hela answered, "Giant plant-based life forms that recently wanted to join the Helio Planet deal."

"That's exactly the problem," King Vegeta stated, "They demanded to be the ones to buy the Helio Planet. We let them buy it at double the price. Now they have become a problem."

"What kind of problem?" Bardock questioned.

"We didn't understand why they wanted the planet so badly and now we know. It's the perfect environment for them. They used to be two feet tall and now they've become six feet tall. Their entire race has tripled in power."

King Vegeta handed the group an electronic tablet with everything they knew about the race and the planet they now inhabited. Hela frowned as she read. Putting the tablet down on a table, she looked up at the king.

"Wait, you're telling me you didn't think that a plant-based life form would evolve when you just gave them a planet with a thirty-six-hour daylight rotation and oceans with pockets of an insane amount of carbon dioxide? These guys have an almost unlimited power source,"

King Vegeta frowned, "Then we need to destroy them."

Prince Vegeta grinned, "Consider them dead."

"When do we leave?" Hela asked.

King Vegeta looked at her, "Now. It's a month's travel by pod."

"Even at hyper-speed?" Kakarot questioned.


Kakarot groaned, "Do all of us have to go?"

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