Stop Avoiding

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"Maggie please, stop avoiding this. I have to know Billie is okay. She is right?" I begged Maggie.

Ever since we got to this random mansion hidden in the woods that Maggie happened to have a key to, she had been avoiding my questions about Billie's welfare.

Maggie sighed deeply and then made eye contact with me,

"Honey I'm afraid Billie has gotten herself into some trouble. I don't have much details myself. But I do know she's alive. She had a plan written out for you and my precious baby doll," she looked over at Calvin and made a kissy face then returned to me, " make sure you're taken care of. She doesn't want anything bad happening to you, so she made arrangements. You know. She really does love you."

I knew that. And I really loved her too. I couldn't imagine living without her. I needed her to come home.

"Do you know when she can see me or even talk to me again?"

Maggie grimly shook her head no,

"I don't think she will be able to for awhile Cleo. She wants you to live your life and take care of Calvin...that was the only thing she made clear to me."

I felt myself getting teary eyed and Maggie quickly stood up and embraced me. She was my mom too. At least I had Maggie.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Kidnapped 2Where stories live. Discover now