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I pulled into the driveway with a blabbering Calvin. Turns out, I missed a lot during his first day of preschool...but I was so happy he was making friends and thriving. That's all I wanted in life.

My heart dropped as I saw a silver BMW in my driveway. Fuck. I forgot I had invited Amber over for dinner tonight. Billie might kill her. She's that crazy. I rushed inside with Calvin and his backpack.

"Amber! Oh my God. We have to do this another night. Calvin is exhausted from his first day of school," I said as I realized Amber was already unloading takeout from a large brown paper bag.

As if on que Calvin ran up to her,

"AMBER! Did you get me a fortune cookie?," she nodded, "can you read it to me?"

"After you eat your dinner, you know your mommy's rules!"

Calvin nodded, he thought he was going to get out of it because Amber was a softie. I giggled and then remembered how grave the situation was.

"Amber, can we hangout tomorrow? He really is exhausted," I said.

Calvin ran around the kitchen table and amber looked at me with a raised eyebrow,

"What's up babe? You have something on your mind? Talk to me," she reached out and grabbed my hand. She was so perfect. I felt guilty.

"Amber...Billie is back."

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Kidnapped 2Where stories live. Discover now