Unknown Caller

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I sat at the kitchen table debating what to do. Amber had been here for me while Billie was gone. And I thought I loved her...until now. All my old feelings for Billie resurfaced. She was the person that would do anything for me. She was protecting me this whole time she said...sounds like her. She would do anything to protect us. And no one would ever love Calvin the way Billie and I did, but Calvin didn't know Billie. Jesus.

I stood in line the pickup waiting to see Calvin's face, he popped out from behind a taller kid, waving a painting in his hand.

"Mommy! I made you a finger painting. My art teacher said I did good. I had teddy grahams for a snack. I like school," he rambled on.

I smiled, he always brightened my day.

"I'm so glad you had a good day baby. You're going to be an artist! Wow!"

Calvin turned his attention to another preschooler, waving bye to him as the child waved bye back.

"That's my friend. Will he be at school tomorrow too?"

"Yep. You two will be together a lot more now, I'm so glad you made friends."

I helped Calvin into his booster seat and strapped him in. I looked into his shining eyes and saw Billie. Calvin wasn't biologically Billie's, although she would never admit that when I was pregnant or when we were in the hospital. She would say,

"I'm the dad, those are my eyes."

It just so happened that the sperm donor had the same icy eyes as Billie. Our child was beautiful.

I shut the car door and began to drive home. My phone lit up with an unknown number.

I answered immediately, taking my phone off of Bluetooth so Calvin wouldn't hear.



"Billie...oh my god I'm so glad to hear from you. When you run away I don't know how long you'll be gone. You know...it's been four years."

She cleared her throat, "You're right. I'm sorry. Did you pick Calvin up from school? Did he have a good first day?"

I smiled at her concern, I told her about his art project and new friend. I could hear her smiling through the phone.

"Cleo baby? Can I come eat dinner with you tonight? I have to see him. I miss him...and you. So fucking much. C I know you moved on but I want us back. There hasn't been a day that I didn't think about you and our family," she stammered.

This felt like a dream I had dreamt too many times, just as I had given up on the idea of Billie returning she shows up. Of course I wanted her.

"Yes. Meet me at home?"

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Kidnapped 2Where stories live. Discover now