These past 4 years BILLIE'S POV

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As Cleo brushed her teeth and got ready to get into bed with me I replayed the last four years in my head. How was I going to explain this to her?

When I took Cleo home from the hospital with baby Calvin I had heard something off in the house. I had tried to get out of crime, away from the gangs, etc. At that point Finneas and I had a amazing production company going and that was our main focus and source of income. However, some of our clients were into gang activity themselves, and some didn't want to pay. We ended up working with an artist called 21 Savage, he was the real deal. I made all of his beats for his debut album, but he owed Finneas and I a lot of money. When we confronted him he threatened us. Finneas wanted to drop it, he said that the exposure of our name on the album would be enough, and to let the money go. I didn't want to drop it. I had worked harder on his album than anyone's ever before, and I was about to have my first child. I wanted Cleo to stay off of work for as long as she needed. That didn't work out the way I had planned...the irony. 

When Cleo told me she had struggled to raise Calvin without me it broke a part of me. I was so fucking stupid. I knew I didn't deserve either of them. She had survived without me, I had taken her from everything she knew...a life of privilege and white picket fences, to be my pregnant wife that was abandoned right after she gave birth. But what she didn't know is no one replaced Cleo when I was gone. Not even close. She was always on my mind.

When I entered the house the day that Calvin was supposed to come home 21 Savage's gang had already killed all of my kitchen staff, including Maria, who was as close to a mom as Cleo had anymore. I wanted to end his life, and I had a gun in my hand, but he got me first. He shot me in my stomach three times. As I laid on the floor I heard the garage door open and close again, and I felt at peace when I lost consciousness because I knew that Cleo had left with Calvin. That's all that mattered in what I thought were my last moments. 

But they weren't my last moment. I woke up and was being examined by a makeshift doctor that 21 Savage's gang had ordered to work on me. I had a nasty scar left, bullets remained inside of me because I didn't go to a real hospital for treatment. The gang had gone through my phone, they knew all about Cleo and Calvin. They were going to kill them in front of me. They were ruthless and cold hearted, but they gave me an option. Me or them? 

Of course I picked me. I wanted to be the one they killed. But they didn't want me dead yet, they wanted me to make music for them. They wanted me to slave for them in anyway they could find useful. That's what I did for years. I wasn't allowed to have a phone. I was barely allowed out of a room they kept me in. For fucking years. As I earned the gang's trust I got more rights. I could leave the house, I could use a cell phone, I could pickup girls and bring them back home. But I was being watched closely. I couldn't contact my mother or my brother, Finneas knew I had been shot. I think he thought I was dead. I had a planned emergency house for Cleo in case something like this happened and thankfully my mother knew what to do.

I tried to move on and live a normal life, always being mindful of who was watching me, if their was an opportunity to get out, etc. When 21 Savage got arrested I knew I had a chance. Most of the gang members were newer at this point and did not know that I was not in the gang willingly. I had more freedom immediately when he got arrested. I had been his right hand man. We had taken girls home together. Little did he know, I would pay prostitutes good money just to cry to them about my wife and child that I missed. Just to have someone pretend to care about my loss. 

I knew 21 Savage was going to be in prison for a long time, he finally caught a murder charge and had three bricks of cocaine in his car when he was arrested for that. I knew I had a chance to get to Cleo and convince her to move again to keep her safe. Even if she didn't want me anymore, I would keep her safe. I loved her. I always would. 

I became breathless as I finished explaining all of this to Cleo, I had avoided eye contact the entire time. I was afraid she would be mad at me, I was afraid she would tell me to get out of the house and never speak to her again. I couldn't blame her. I should have tried harder. I should have been less scared. 

But that's not Cleo. Cleo was in love with me. It had always been a fucked up kind of love...I had kidnapped her originally after all. But she loved me differently than other people, including that stupid bitch Amber. I knew it. I felt it. I felt it more than every when she sat on my lap and embraced me after I poured my heart out to her. I felt a wet spot on my shoulder as she cried, not in self pity, but for me. For my loss. No one cared like Cleo did. She was my other half. 

Cleo was my wife. 

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Kidnapped 2Where stories live. Discover now