Billie returns

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I got done teaching my lesson and sped home. I wanted to shower and change out of this leotard and tights into some normal apparel before I picked Calvin up from school. I had about two hours. I wondered how he was doing on his first day.

I walked into the house and heard someone opening the fridge door.

"Maggie?" I called out. I had a security system installed it was nearly impossible to break in my house.

I turned the corner of the kitchen slowly and there stood Billie biting into an apple, her face dropped when she saw me, the apple hit the floor. She picked me up and turned me in a circle,

"Cleo. Oh my God. My Cleo. I missed you," she set me down and started to cry. I cried too.

"Bil? Is that really you? You look so...mature.." I said. Her face had lost the cute chub in her cheeks. Her jaw line was even more defined. Her hair had green roots and black ends now. She was still beautiful. Same lips. Same icy eyes.

"You look," she looked at me up and down in my leotard, "even better than before the baby! Geez. You're a MILF for sure," she giggled then her face got serious.

"Where is Calvin?" She asked, concerned.

"Oh he's fine! He had his first day of preschool today. Want to see some pictures? He's so excited he wasn't scared at all. Now me on the other hand...I was a wreck," I pulled my phone out to show Billie pictures.

She scrolled through, gleaming. It was nice to share this with someone. No one else cared as much about him as Billie and I did.

Billie's face dropped as she came across a new photo in my phone.

"Who the fuck is this?" Billie asked.

I looked at my phone, it was a picture of me and amber kissing on New Year's Eve at midnight. Caught.

"Bil- I...I didn't know if you'd ever come back. I waited years for you. I missed you. I had to find a girlfriend...I thought you didn't love me anymore," I tried to explain.

She put her hand up attempting to silence me but I pushed it down and forced my fingers to interlock with hers.

"Cleo I have been doing all kinds of crazy shit to protect you for years. Fucking years. For our family. Me you and Calvin, not that dumb bitch. Who the fuck is she anyway? What's she do? Have you been bringing her around my son?" Billie's eyes lit with anger.

"Yes...I didn't know what else to do Billie. She's a few years older than me. She's a lawyer. She has a daughter named Sasha."

"Did you fuck her? Did she fuck You?"

I knew she would ask that. Most people wouldn't. Most people would just assume and avoid the topic. But not Billie. She had to know.


Billie started to cry. I reached over to comfort her and she pushed me away. She grabbed car keys and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" I yelled after her.

"To think! Try not to fuck anyone else while I'm gone!"

And the door slammed shut. God I missed her already.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Kidnapped 2Where stories live. Discover now