Chapter Eighteen.

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Chapter Eighteen.
"Nights are Always the Hardest"


A sharp gasp shook the stillness of the darkened, old room as (Y/n) sprung forward from the bed, awoken from her previous slumber. Her body trembled ever so slightly with every breath she took as she forced herself to calm down, while a fresh sheen of sweat could be noticed due to the dim lighting of the moon. Squeezing her startling wide eyes shut as she did everything in her will power to force back the former nightmare from plaguing her mind. Unfortunately, it hadn't worked so well as a shaky hand flew up from her side to cover her mouth as she filt the churning sensation of stomach bile rising. Shoving off the covers as she stood to quickly rush over to the lone bucket that sat in the corner of her shared room with Talia. Barely having the time to dwell on her accidental thoughts of Talia or settle comfortably on the ground as she suddenly began emptying her stomach contents. Tears pricked the corners over her eyes the burning bile of what had been her dinner hours before came up and into the bucket.

Once she had started to dry heave due to there being nothing left to vomit. She sat back with a sigh, grabbing a torn up hand towel from beside the bucket as she wiped her face with the cloth. Groaning as she moved to sit back, leaning against the wall as she opened her eyes to gaze around the dimly lit room more easily. A pang shot through her chest as she embraced the unnerving silence besides her quivering breath. An audible wince escaping her lips at the thought.

The nights were the hardest.

She had concluded this after reaching the fourth night back from the failure of a scouting trip. One minute she was sharing the room with a life long family friend, to the next being the only known survivor of those she had known before being shipped to the boarding school. Another moment she would lay in bed, listening to the soft snores of the older female who slept on the otherside of the room, now to only be met with silence and a cold matress. Once she had been able to keep her nightmares down to a minimum, now all she dreamt about was Talia being shot, falling a few feet away from her as the blood gushing from the fresh bullet wound that impaled itself into her neck. As the bullet had only made contact with the neck, the younger female of the two had to watch the life fade from her friend. Listening to the wet gurgles of Talia choking on her own blood was eaching louder in (Y/n)'s ears than the very guns firing around her. The way the woman's eyes widened in fear, in pain, in anguish, in betrayal, and even in regret. It felt like an eternity before the jerky motions of Talia's body slowed to a stop along with her choking gurgles as her eyes practically froze, wide and dull.

(Y/n)'s breath hitched as she shook her head, hands clutching the sides of her head as she tried to fog up the memory from reappearing in her current, vulnerable state. What felt to be hours, when really it had only been minutes, had passed, the female began to calm down slowly. It had been over a week since the death of her dear friend. A week since she's lost sleep due to the constant company of her nightmares that wracked her awake. A week since she had to remind herself to eat less than everyone as she knew it would only come back up later, it was better to eat less rather than wasting her food portion.

Knowing she wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, she shakily stood from her spot against the wall. Leaning on the said wall for support as she slowly regained her strength and control of her trembling legs.  Leaving the half full bucket behind as she made a mental reminder to clean that out later, (Y/n) made her way to her bed as she slipped on her  shoes, tying them up before grabbing the dagger on her night stand and slipping it into her belt as she left the lonely room behind her. Unsure as to where she watnted to go as her feet began to walk towards an unknown destination as her tired mind payed so little attention to them.

Before long, she saw that she now stood infront of another closed dorm doorway, more specifically the room that Gavin and Skyler shared together. The female had always viewed Gavin as an older brother, much as she had seen Talia as an older sister. While sneaking glances to another entrance of the room next to them, which being the room that Louis and Marlon were sharing. She lifted a shaky hand to the rusted door handle in desperation of not wanting to be alone, especially when all she could dwell on were the memories of Talia's death. Instead, before she could grab a hold of the handle, she began to hesitate as she told herself how silly this was; being a teenager who goes to someone because of nightmares when everyone else were also suffering through their own trauma.

Although, before she had the chance to turn and flee back to her own room once morre, a click and faint creek of a door opening a rooms rooms away from her had caused her to freeze her actions as she stood there, unsure of what to do. It was until she heard light shuffling and a faint voice from down the hall, "Hello? Who's there?" The female stiffened before turning to face whom it was that is now awake and calling out to her. Her eyes widening slightly, scared that she had been the one to have awoken the individual from their sleep duento her nervous pacing.



So.... bit more grusome.. I apologize for that. As now we are experiencing episodes of PTSD, and survivors guilt. I would lessen the gory details, but it is the walking dead, not like it gets any better from here. And I'm sure if you were a thirteen year old in the apocalypse, this isn't far from the truth of a reaction.....

word count of 976.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story for this fanfiction. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Created on September 3rd, 2019

-Published on September 17th, 2019

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