Chapter Thirty Two.

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"Sometimes it's Better to Grieve Together, Rather Than Alone."


"This spot taken?"

Louis was startled, jumping ever so slightly at the sudden voice. His previously clenched hands slid from his dreadlocks down to cover his tearstained face as he rubbed the tear buildup with his calloused fingers. Shaking his head as he rasped out,

"No... seats are up for any takers..."

Violet nodded before she moved to sit next to him, her back resting against the trunk of the tree as she tucked her knees close to her chest, hugging them as she thought for a moment in silence. The peaceful yet haunting silence didn't last long as Louis' tired voice spoke up with a sour huff.

"God, you must think I'm pathetic... worst than before anyways."

Violet huffed as she spoke in her typical straightforward tone.

"You are pretty pathetic."

Louis let out another dry chuckle before opening his mouth to respond,

"Ouch... kick a man when he's already down-"

"But more pathetic than before? Not a chance."

"Seriously Vi-"

"Yet here I am."

Louis stopped talking, his hands frozen in place before sliding down his face, both now clasped and resting on his abdomen. Finally, he forced himself to peel his longing gaze away from the sky to look over to his friend. She showed no reaction to his sudden stillness nor stare as she just hugged her body closely together.

"Yet here I am.."

She repeated as she turned her head, the two friends locking their reddened eyes.

"You.. you're pathetic for hiding. For faking your fucking feelings from everyone. But who am I to say that... I push people away rather than get to know them. Rather than just accepting that they're gone and to just move on."

She said her eyes hardening as the filled with tears as she turned her gaze away from the male to now look up at the sky. The male's stare lingering only for a moment longer before following suit, the two of them star gazing.

"I... I remember..."

Louis's voice was soft and dry as he talked after a moment of shared silent, taking a moment as he gulped a breath of air to calm his jittering nerves. Violet turned her eyes back to the male, who kept his focused on the sky, mentally urging him to continue.

"I remember.. the last night I spent with her as if it were yesterday."

He managed out, taking a deep breath.

"I had sprained my ankle that day, from setting up a trap, when I was out with Aasim... we returned to the school for Ruby to take a look at it..
I remember the pain disappearing the moment I saw (Y/n). She took me up to our room once Ruby was done so that she could dress the wound.
I remember how the night went on as we held onto eachother like it would be the last time we were able to... huh, just how true that became..
I remember her soft, tired voice as I hugged her close to my chest, 'I can't lose you.' She said."

His water works had a jump start as more tears took their time in trickling down his face, while turning his saddened expression to face the female, who felt as is she had caught her own breath stuck in her lungs.

"She said, 'I can't lose you', Vi. She said that..
I remember leaning against the wall some ways away from the gate with her as we chatted and laughed like nothing could go wrong.
I remember the moment Marlon was ready to head out, she turned to me and said,  'keep my spot warm, I'll come back'... Just like that, she turned away to leave with Marlon, and hours passed and only Marlon returned..
She told me she couldn't lose me, that she'd come back... yet, she's the one that's gone..."

He choked out another dry sob as he profusely began to shake his head.

"It hurts.. Violet. Everything hurts.."

Violet stayed quiet, as she knew every second of the pain he was feeling. She didn't understand his pain for a long time, that is, until the twins died two months after (Y/n).

After her Minnie had died.

Now, after having met Clementine, she felt as if things had colour once again, had life to them. She felt a will that she hadn't felt in a long time to try again. To finally start moving on. Unfortunately, she knew the same thing couldn't be said about her friend that cried next to her.

Violet sighed as she scooted forward before laying down next to him. He move the arm furthest away from her up to drape of her eyes, not wanting her to see his rarely broken state. She glanced down to his free hand that clenched at his jacket, moving hers to be gently placed ontop of his hand. Her actions caused Louis to stiffen, gasping a greedy breath of air as he sobbed out once again. Hesitating for a moment, he finally moved his hand to hold the female's, in which she gave it a firm squeeze in comfort.

"When... when the twins died. I remember never going back into the green house."

She said, tears of her own blurring her vision as the two friends relieved their memories of their loved ones.

"I remember blaming myself. Thinking that 'if I had just woken up earlier to do the greenhouse,' that I could have gone with them...and now, I'll never see them again.
The greenhouse only gave me the deja'vu anytime I even thought of it, or any time I saw Brody walking towards me."

She said, her own voice croaking as she used her free hand to furiously wipe her own tears away.

"Yet. Here we are. Still alive... Oh, Lou.."

The female called out to her friend, whose cries had quieted down moments before, earning a raspy hum that showed he was listening.

"Louis.. they would want us to continue.. for them. Maybe never get over them. But, to keep living, to see the things they never did."

The silent male didn't move, his arm still drapped over his eyes, in response, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. She smile softly, relieved that not only had she managed to get through to him. But to share the pain that they both kept bottled up over the course of the past year or so. To finally grieve over the same losses that took their hearts away.

To grieve together, rather than alone.


word count of 1123.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story for this fanfiction. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Created on January 1st, 2020.

-Published on January 1st, 2020.

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