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"Amberly!?" Her mother called, "Amberly? Where are you?" As Amberly hid from her mother in the closet she giggled, she loved playing hide and seek with her mom, even though it was childish. Mrs. Daniels giggled as she said "Amberly? Where on earth are you hiding?" She saw her mom through the crack of the closet, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand, Amberly saw this in many movies, when the girl that was hiding covered her mouth. As Mrs. Daniels looked around for her eight year old daughter, she looked right at the closet. "Amberly, could you be in the closet?" Amberly slightly giggled but quickly stopped hoping not to get caught. Mrs. Daniels looked through the little crack and saw a shiny eye, she smiled and quietly opened the door and yelled "found you!" She picked Amberly up and  spun her around in circles. They were both laughing at that point and fell to the floor. Laughing so hard no sound came out. BANG! CRASH! They both jumped and Mrs. Daniels shoved Amberly back in the closet and  whispered "stay here and dont come out for anyone and be quiet" as Mrs. Daniels stood up Amberly said "But mom-" "No, do what I told you" Mrs. Daniels interrupted and slowly crept out of the closet. Amberly watched  oit the crack as her mother walked toward the livingroom. A tall man with dark brown hair and dazzling blue eyes stood there with a pistol yelling at her mother, "You will pay for what you did! You hear me?!, a life for a life isn't that what you cops say? So I'll take my justice now, where is your daughter?" Mrs. Daniels looked around hesitantly and saw her Glock 19 on the coffee table she reached for it and suddenly Amberly heard  multiple shots and the man said "You will die shortly, but I will still come after your daughter, you killed my son and I will avenge him." And then the man disappeared. Amberly ran towards her mother. "Mom?" She said wearly, she felt sick seeing all of the blood covering the floor surrounding her mother in a growing puddle. "Grab the phone, dial 911, and remember mommy loves you" Mrs. Daniels smiled weakly and Amberly got the phone and dialed the number.
  ****About 15 minutes later****
•There were Ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks everywhere. One of the Ambulances loaded up Mrs. Daniels's dead body and drove off leaving Amberly there with a blanket around her, too shocked to cry, she sat there with wide eyes in silence and a petrified look of horror on her face. Mr. Daniels arrived shortly after the police cars and squeezed Amberly tightly, they both cried silently and didn't really say anything for the rest of the night...

The "Lucky" One: A Mathew Espinosa Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now