Chapter Six

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~Amberly's Point of View~

•I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm in my room. I stretched really big and kicked the blankets off of me. I get out of bed and checked the time; 7:30 a.m....OMG! Im late for school! I looked around my room and seen Renesmee's stuff...I walked downstairs and saw Renesmee cooking. "Hey! Your up!" She smiled. "Umm yea and we are 30 minutes late for school" I said massaging my temples. "No we aren't" she laughed. "What?" I asked confused. "Today is teacher work day" she laughed. "On a Tuesday! Thats so stupid!" I laughed. "Yea, why else do you think we had the party last night?" She giggled. "Uh-i don't know because your weird" I said. When the laughter died down she asked "So what is the last thing you remember from last night?" I thought for a second and looked at what I was wearing. I was still in last night's outfit..."I remember crying in Matt's car and falling asleep" I sighed. "Okay, so do you remember anything else?" She asked. "I remember everything, I wasn't drinking..." I looked at the pan, "So what are you cooking?" I asked. "Bacon" she smiled wide. "I love Bacon!" I yelled. "Me too!" She yelled back. We laughed and ate breakfast. "Help yourself to the TV or something, make yourself at home, im going to take a shower" I said. "Okay!" She said putting her dish in the sink. I walked into my room, then into the bathroom in my room and turned on the water. I locked the door and stripped off my clothes and stepping in the shower, left with nothing but my thoughts. I wonder what Renesmee did to Nash when she told me to go wait in the, I want to know what Matt did to Nash when he said he would be right back. When I finished in the shower I wrapped up in a towel and put my dirty clothes in the hamper. I walked into my room and saw Renesmee laying on my bed playing on her phone. She said "Hey, Jack G wants us to meet him and a few others at Tom's Diner in like an hour" I laughed real hard. "What?" She looked at me retarded, "What are you laughing about?" "Thats a little ironic isn't it?" I said. "What is ironic?" She asked. "The song, Tom's Diner, by DNA ft. Suzanne veqa." I giggled. "Never heard of it." She stated. "Nevermind" I rolled my eyes and walked to my closet. "Im gonna take a shower" she said and I nodded. I picked through my closet until I found a white Mathew Espinosa merchandise tee, a pair of light washed skinny jeans, and a pair of grey vans with white shoe laces, I also pulled out a black head band that ties at the top. I put on the shirt and jeans and at that time Renesmee walked out the shower. I walked into the bathroom and blow dried and straightened my hair. I threw my hair in a messy, straight, ponytail and put the head band on((The first pic in the picture at the beginning of the chapter, Amberly's hair isnt blonde its Brown.)) I applied my usuall makeup, then walked into my room. Renesmee was searching through her bags and asked "Can I barrow some clothes, all I brought was stuff for the party?" "Yea sure! Closets right there" I said pointing to the closet. "Hey can you pick out an outfit for me, I have to use the bathroom." "Yea sure" I said. I walked to the closet and picked her out a pink; see-through floral patterned shirt, a pink spaghetti strap tank top and a pair of regular blue jean shorts. I laid it on the bed and she came out the bathroom with a bag in her hand, im guessing feminine products. "Im sorry, I would have got my own but ya know" she said raising the bag. I laughed and said "No, problem, it's on the bed" she looked and smiled "This outfit is so me! I think I have some shoes and jewlry to go with it!" She went to the bathroom to change and yelled "Thanks Girl!" "Your welcome!" I said putting on my Vans. She came out with her straightened and with cute little bead bracelets, some gold earings, and cute pink sandals((The second pic in the picture at the beginning of the chapter)).


•We pulled into a little 60s model Diner that was so cute! It was just like in the movies; The outside had the light things wrapped around the top of the building and everything!((I really hope you guys know what I am talking about)) Also, there was a big sign that said 'Tom's Diner' with an arrow pointed towards the building. I walked in and it was so cute! There were checkered tiles on the floor, a bar with the little stools, booths, and my favorite; a jukebox and a dancefloor! I smiled and walked over to Jack G with Renesmee. "Hey Amberly" Jack G smiled and then he flirted "Hey, Rane" she replied bye saying "Hey, Jack" sweetly and blushing. "Hey" I said sliding in to the booth. "I thought there was gonna be 'others'" I questioned. "Oh, yea, Connor is in the bathroom and Matt is going to be here shortly." Jack smiled and I thought to myself. Connor is here! Oh my gosh, I hope I look presentable for him. Why am I thinking that? He is like 5 years older than me...I met Connor last night and im not going to lie, I had major butterflies. Its probably because he is Connor Franta but still, I barely said anything to him so today I'm going to be forced to talk to him and I really don't want to embarrass myself...I looked up and here comes Connor, Okay, Amberly, Breathe, he is just a person. You can handle this, you can talk to him.. He sat at the table and I smiled but I was thinking, Oh no! Oh no, oh no, oh no, he sat down in front of me! What In the world am I going to do!? I quickly remembered feeling this same way another time before this. Its like deja vu. The sickening feeling, being nervous. I then at that very moment remembered feeling this way with Matt. Maybe I like Connor too, not just because of who he his, well it probably is..."Hey Amberly!" He said and I nearly jumped out of my seat. "Woah! Someones a little bit jumpy" he laughed and I smiled. "Yep, just a little bit, and hello" I said. My heart Is racing right now, I hope I don't look nervous. "So, I have a question" Jack G asked. "I might have an answer" I said sarcastically and Connor laughed. I turned a light shade of pink. "Why did Matt beat the shit out of Nash at the party?" He asked. "He what!?" Me and Renesmee said in usion. "Yea, he blooded him up pretty bad and knocked him out, nearly killed him" Jack said and I sat there like a mannequin, still and silent. "Amberly" Connor shook my shoulder. His touch was enough to shock me back into reality. "What is wrong?" Connor asked. "It sounded like Jack just said Matt almost beat Nash to death" I laughed hoping it wasn't true. "Because he did" Renesmee said and then Jack pitched in, "Why would he nearly kill one of his Best Friends?" Jack asked. "I want to go dance, anyone?" I offered, just trying to change the subject, I didn't want to talk about it now. "Sure" Connor agreed and we walked to the dance floor, leaving Renesmee and Jack to talk. I went to the jukebox and put in a quarter. I flipped through songs until I saw the one I wanted. Mash Potato, by Dee Dee Sharp. He looked at me, smirking. "What?" I smiled. "This song? Really" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and pulled him to the dance floor. I started to dance and he laughed. "Come on, dance with me" I giggled. "I can't dance" he chuckled. "So it doesn't matter" I said. He sighed, signaling that I won the fight and then he laughed at himself. We interlocked our fingers and started to dance like they did in the 60s. It was really fun, I was enjoying myself and I really think Connor was too. He was smiling and laughing like I was. He was doing pretty good for someone who says they can't dance... I heard the door swing open and Matt walked through the door.

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