Extra Class?

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I then stumble out of the simulation while carrying everyone out.

Gogeta "So...Tired..."

I hand G and Karna in my arms by my waist and had Musashi on my back.

Gogeta "Are you guys sure you can't walk?"

Karna/G/Musashi "Nope."

Gogeta "Thought so."

G "It's fine! You're strong right? You can handle it!"

Gogeta "Uh huh, but this is—?!"

I then stopped in my tracks.

Karna "Hm? Is something wrong?"

Musashi "Eh? Why did you stop walking? Giddy up!"

G "Eh you're sweating? Are you okay? It looks like you've seen a—!"

Gogeta "You See Right? Everyone quiet!"

We see Nightingale talking to Gudako in the hallway.

Musashi "Oh crap..."

Karna "This isn't good."

Gogeta "You guys sure you can't run now?"

G "I think I can manage now."

Musashi "Same here."

Karna "I feel the same way."

I put them all down and signaled them to back up slowly. I then see Gudako look at me.

Gogeta "Oh boy..."

Gudako "Oh hey Gogeta! You doing alright?"

Nightingale then turns around and a spark in her eye shows.

Gogeta "Uh...Guys anyone got strength stat more that B+?"

Karna "B"

Musashi "B"

G "C+"

Gogeta "So me only huh? Then there is only one thing to do."

I lift up my hand and I whisper to them.

Gogeta "Grab on to me."

They all put there hands on my back.

Gogeta "RUN AWAY!!"

I then used instant transmission and teleported us across the Chaldea building.

Gogeta "Guys we need to scatter, here take these beans!"

I throw them each a bean.

Gogeta "We'll meet up with each other later! I've got to find a hiding spot!"

I run through the hallway leaving them behind.

//Karna's POV//

G "Well, I'll catch you two later I'm going into hiding."

Karna "Agreed, I would rather not be shot with a gun again, it's uncomfortable."

Musashi "Same here, I'd rather not get an amputated limb..."

//Gogeta's POV//

I find my self in a library and went behind a bookshelf.

Gogeta "I guess I should stay here until she calms down. Hm, maybe I'm just over reacting, she wouldn't hunt us across—."

Nightingale "Where are you patients?! Patients belong in the bed! If you don't come out I will take you in by force!"

And I could've sworn I've heard a gun cock. Normal guns wouldn't be a problem, but there is something with her guns that make me keep my distance.

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