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Gogeta "So how was my technique? Was it cool?! It was wasn't it?!"

Nitocris "Well...It did blind me..."

She says as she continues to rub her eyes.

Gogeta "Sorry sorry! It seemed fair that I only try to compare with the sun!"

Nitocris "Well, I wouldn't say that I am the Sun..."

She begins to look a little sad until I had to snap her out of it.

Gogeta "Hey!"

Nitocris "EEEP!"

Gogeta "No more of that pessimism, I think it's starting to make me sick."

Nitocris "S-Sorry! See? I don't think I'm a bright as the sun if I have these problems."

Gogeta "It's not that, your face is too beautiful to be looking depressed."

Nitocris "?!"

Her tan face is then flushed with the color of red.

Nitocris "T-That's not true! And don't speak your mind without thinking!"

Gogeta "Hmm...Maybe you're right..."

Nitocris "G-Good now that's out of the way—?!"

Gogeta "Nitocris..."

I then grab her by her hands and then cup them together.

Nitocris "W-W-W-W-What?!"

Gogeta "You are truly beautiful."

She then begins to hyperventilate and her legs began to shake. I then began to see tears drop from her eyes and she began to sniffle.

Gogeta "Huh? Are you o—OW?!"

Then multiple blunt weapons hit me in the back of the dome.

Gogeta "Oi! What the big...idea..."

As I turn around I am welcomed by multiple vicious glares.

Altera "Playboy's are bad civilization."

Gogeta "E-Eh?"

Nightingale "It seems that you do need more treatment."

Nightingale then reloads and cocks her gun.

Gogeta "W-Wait, H-Hold on."

Altria"I am truly disappointed."

Artoria "I am also disappointed."

Jalter "Disgusting."

Alteria "Truly."

Gogeta "I-it's just a misunderstanding!"

I then see G trying to tiptoe away.

Gogeta "Hey G you believe me right?!"

She then stops mid step and she turns around to look at me and she gave me a smile of pity and then she dissipated in thin air.

Gogeta "Wait! Don't go!"

Jalter "Chasing after other women while flirting with another, you really are a disgusting battle hungry pig."

Alteria "You are worse than that scum Blackbeard."

After hearing that I then point at her and said.

The Strongest Servant (DBZ x Fate)Where stories live. Discover now