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What? Have her? Have who?

I look at myself in the mirror and I sigh. I can't help but think that the stranger is talking about me. I mean, I am supposed to be with my father right now but I escaped that horrible destiny thanks to my friends.

Okay, I need to calm down.

-"Think, y/n, think."- I whisper to myself while looking in the mirror. I thought about calling Chris, telling him to hurry up but I am grown woman. I need to manage this by myself. I don't even know if all of this is about me after all.

I think I am having a panick attack. I am lonely, completely lonely and I am starting to feel bad about Sian. Should I trust her again? Did she truly mean the words she told me? Was she really sorry?

The sound of a ringtone fills the room and I jump.

Calm down, it's just your phone dumbass.

I pick up without looking at the name on the screen. My heart is beating way too fast and I think I am going to past out anytime soon.

-"I am here."- Chan's voice comforts me.

I answer with a shaky ok and I sigh. I don't know what I am supposed to do now. If those texts were indeed about me, there must be someone out there looking for me just to take me with my father. I need to be careful.

I wash my hands and take the stranger's phone from the floor. I am actually glad I decided to take a hoodie with me just in case. I put the hood and breathe before getting out of the bathroom. Once again, a bunch of teenagers kissing welcome me as I walk through the wide corridor, trying to avoid everyone's eyes. The door is almost there, only a few steps more and I'll be with him, I'll be finally safe.

-"Hey!"- Someone calls me and I instantly freeze. I'm too afraid to turn around so I just stand there, in the darkness while the loud music can be heard all over Jae's garden. "Are you leaving already?"- A boy approaches me and I turn around, trying to cover my face with the hood.

-"Yes."- I try to control my voice but I can't and it ends up sounding shaky.

-"It's too soon! The party has just started, come on!" - The tall boy offers me a cigarette and I shake my head. "May I know your name, beautiful?"- He smirks while putting his arms around my shoulders. I move, clearly uncomfortable.

Where's Chris when you need him?

"U-Uh no, sorry. I really need to go."- I move my shoulders but he presses me towards his chest. He's drunk. I hate drunk people.

-"Come on, stay a little bit longer, y/n."- The boy whisphers into my ear with a dark voice and I get shivers down my spine. How does he even know my name? Is it true? Does he work for my father?

"That's not even my name, you weirdo. Leave me alone." -I try to act cool but it doesn't work. He gets closer to my ear and I close my eyes.

-"Little girls don't know how to lie."- He is about to cover my mouth with his hand when I hear his familiar voice.

-"Leave her alone."- Chris runs towards him with dark eyes and I shake.

How does he always manage to appear in the perfect moment?

-"I have this under control."- I use my elbow to hit the stranger on the stomach. Once I'm free, I punch him on the face repeatdly. I want him to know that next time my father tries to deprive me from my own freedom, he'll have to have a few words with me.

The stranger is laying down on the floor and I walk towards Chris. He is looking at me with a surprised expression.

-"Are we leaving or not?"- I walk past him, taking the keys from his hand.

I get into the car, still surprised that I got to beat someone up. Chris follows.

-"Holy shit. How did you-" - He laughs while starting the car.

-"What did you expect? You saving me from him? Come on, this is not a romantic movie and I am an independent woman."- I roll my eyes and I play some music.

-"Such a bad girl."- His dark eyes are now looking at me and I instantly feel weak again.

How is that even possible? I was able to escape from a strong, tall guy who was threatening me yet I can't look into his eyes for more than three seconds without passing out. I turn up the volume of the radio. One more word of his and I would turn into a mess.

-"Should I drive you home or...?"- He looks at me and I just stare at him.

He is just driving but everything about him looks ethereal. His dark and tired eyes are focused on the road, even though I would rather see them focused on me. His hair is messy but it looks so good on him and he clenches his jaw from time to time making him look effortlessly beautiful.

-"Y/n?"- His eyes meet mine and I shake my head, trying to distract myself from him.

-"Uh, yeah, yeah...sure."- My voice sounds stupid and I mentally slap myself for messing up like this.

We arrive at Sian's house. She's probably at the party, having fun and I'm happy for her. I know I won't be able to sleep tonight after all that has happened. My father is sending people just to find me and take me with him when I clearly don't want to see him ever again. It makes me feel so anxious and I can't help but think about how badly I want all of this to be over. How badly I want to actually enjoy my life in Seoul.

We both get out of the car and I look for my keys inside my bag. When I look up, I find his face close to me, so close.

-"Are you sure you want to sleep here, alone?"- His voice is almost like a whisper and force myself to focus on the words he is saying, instead of his lips.

-"I-I mean, yeah, I guess."- I look into his eyes and he smirks.

Why would he even do that? I hate him.

"Okay then. I'll call you tomorrow. See you around, gorgeous."- He titls his head towards mine and I blush.

He turns around and continues walking but before he can get into his car, I take his hand and I kiss him.


hi there! hope you liked this chapter! also...20k readers? holy shit guys i didn't expect this at all! thank you to every single one of you, thank you for supporting my story! i love how nice you guys always are :(

school has started / is starting soon so good luck to everyone! you got this!

once again, thank you.

until next time,

marina xx

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