Chapter 2~Just Breath

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(Aizawa POV)

We walked in silence for what seemed to be hours, but really it had only been a couple minutes. The sound of our shoes on the dry earth, snapping twigs and small branches. Birds would occasionally chatter and chirp but said nothing much. Hizashi finally broke this silence.

"Ughh! We're lost!" He yelled in frustration. He stopped walking and turned to face me, he had a tired and helpless expression. I didnt want to lie to him and say we were fine. But I couldnt just bluntly agree....

So instead I say:


Too blunt?

"Shouta! That isnt helping!" Hizashi yelled. He crossed his arms and slumped against a tree with a small whine.

"What do you want me to say? We have no idea where we're going, or how we got here" I said, a hint of hopelessness creeping into my own voice.

"Well, all we can do is wait for someone to help. I mean SOMEONE should have noticed we're missing!" He pulled out his phone and began to play a game.

"Zashi. . ." I said slowly. He looked up at me.


"Look in your hand..."

He looked at his phone, behind his phone, and even at his hand before looking up at me with an innocent expression

"I dont see anything"

Mega. Facepalm.

I gave him a 'boi what the heck' look.
"Zashi! Your phone!" I said frusturated and holding back a small chuckle.

"Ohh! We can call the police!" He said, sounding quite proud of himself.

"No dur! Call them!" I said. He quickly tapped the screen a couple times before he froze.

Oh lord what is it now?

"Umm... mabey we could try something else?" He said sheepishly as he held up the black screen.

His phone died.

"Ughh!" I dug around frantically in my pockets looking for my own phone but I had no such luck.

At this point I was just running low on faith. I couldnt let anything happen to us.

"Why dont you try to use your quirk? Get above the trees!" He offered. I immediately shot the idea down.

"No. I'm not leaving you" I said sternly. He was my best freind! Of course I wasn't leaving him!

"I can follow from the ground"

"And get eaten by a bear? I think NOT" I crossed my arms. He gave me a look that basically said 'seriously?'

Yup. Seriously.

"Well then I guess we just D I E" he said sarcastically.

"I dont know what else to do, and I am not separating from you Zashi" I said before i sat down beside him.

I looked into his eyes. He looked into mine. And we just sat there like that, not speaking.

Just, breathing.

Until the moment was ruined with the snap of a twig nearby. Both me and Hizashi turned our heads towards the sound. I didnt see anything...

"We should go check it out" Hizashi whispered to me.

"Stay here" I said and stood up. He groaned frustrated.

I dont know why I'm being so protective....

Tsh yes I do.

Hes my freind.

But he can take care of himself...

But I care so much!

Just. Freinds.
He is just my freind!

Ah! Then why am i so set on protecting him! He dosent need it!

At this point my brain was arguing with itself. I was so tuned out that i didnt realize i had been staring at Hizashi, who was now standing on his feet with a confused face.

"Shoutaaaa? Hello? Did you see a ghost? Wait... are you a ghost?!" He was panicking. I could tell he was getting disoriented by seeing only green all day and the fear of not making it home. He also probably hit his head before we woke up here or something.

I shot out of my daze and place a hand on his shoulder.

"Zashi, calm down. I was just... thinking"

"Good... I like you as a human" he said with a pouty face.

Aww... no stop! Agh!

"Its okay, now I'm going to go check out that sound okay?"

"I'm coming!"

"Uh no your not"

"You said not to seperate!" He said with a smug smile

I sighed "fine. But stay close to me"

With that, we began walking towards the sound.

(A/N) Hey guys! So I made this chapter a hit longer than usual but I had A LOT of ideas and last chapter was shorter so hey! Long chapter woo hoo!! Anyways, hope you enjoy!! Comment stuff, I like reading them!! And vote if you really like it ^_^

P.S I know I probably make mistakes, and if you catch one and comment to correct it, no shame! I'm fine with that because as a young author I appreciate criticism!! Just not too rude-

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