Chapter 9~Blue

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(Aizawa POV)

"Are we ever going to get out of here? Im hungry. Ooh! Tacos sounds good right now!" Hizashi said.

He had been a bit quiet since the kiss. I know he was embarrassed. I'm glad that he tried to lighten the mood but we just had to face the facts.

We were trapped in a 40 foot deep hole with a dead student above us and no food or water.

"Zashi.... I have an idea"


"Well, you could use your quirk to yell for someone nearby..."

"But sho... then I might hurt your ears" he gave me that puppy face again and holy heck was it adorable.

"What other choice do we have? I can cover my ears with my scarf"

"Sho...." he sighed "cover your ears" he took off his headphones from around his neck and handed them to me. I trusted him so I didnt question how these would help.

I wrapped my scarf over my head, covering my ears and pretty much most of my eyes. I then slipped the red and black headphones over my ears.

I can hear anything jeez-


I can hear that! I can very much hear that!

I put my hands over the headphones. It didnt hurt my ears but jeez that was l o u d. I stared at Hizashi until he gave me a concerned smile and I took the headphones off.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I gave a small nod.

I heard a voice but I couldnt male out any words. It was a deep voice.

Coming from above.

"Zashi! You need to yell to them that we cant hear them! We need help!" I said as I frantically put everything back on


J e e z , s o , l o u d .

I began taking off the headphones when a loud yell priced the air.

Then THUD!

A body just landed on the floor in front of us.

If that was any way of help then jeez they arent getting very far. Dummy.

A man with a half feet and half black mask sat up rubbing his head.

Wait I've seen that before.... the file...

"You're a villian!" I said as I shot up and erased his quirk.

"Hey calm down! Fight me dummy!" The man said. He clearly had a personality disorder.


A purple warp portal appeared behind him and he dashed for it. I jumped on Jim as we both went through the portal and fell on forest floor. Hizashi came running out.

I looked up to see a circle of villians surrounding us.

"Sho-" hisashi said but was cut off. I turned and looked as a black haired man with purple scars grabbed Hizashi from behind with one hand over his mouth.

I remember him. Dabi. From the attack with the Wild Pussycats.

"Dont you touch him" I said.

"It seems a bit unfair that that's what your doing to our colleague here" he said.

"Ugh stand up!" A blue haired man yelled. Jeez he had the most chapped lips I've ever seen.

Tomura Shigaraki. Leader of the league of villians. I knew what his quirk did very well from front hand experience and I didnt want to feel that again.

I did what he said and got off Twice and stoo up immediately being grabbed by my arm by a blonde girl with a knife pressed against my neck

"Walk" Tomura said. I would have fought back. Hit the girl with the knife. But they had Zashi. He looked so scared...

I walked with them quietly watching hisashi. He gave me small looks with his eyes

At least we aren't in a hole right now-

(A/N) Idk what to say here other than sksksksksksksksk hehehehehe its gay and intense

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