Chapter 7~He's Dead

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(Sleep deprived teacher POV)

"Hey Sho"


"You wanna know what I think"

"I dont know, do i?"

"That jacket looks pretty good on you"

Hisashi had been messing with me for a while now as we walked. At first I got flustered and tried to ignore him but now my embarrassment faded being replaced with a more happy and joyous feeling.

"Hey Zashi?"


"See that tree over there?"

"Hm? What about it?

I was about to make a threatening joke but as I looked closer I felt a flicker of hope ignite inside me.

"Look just past it... is that-"

"A cabin?! Oh my god!! Let's go!! Mabey they can help us!"

Hizashi ran forward before I could even nod in agreement. I quickly followed after him.

I just want to leave this forsaken forest-

As we got closer I slowed to a walk and took in the sight. It was a smaller cabin made from large logs. Someone at in a rocking chair on the front porch not moving and facing away from us.

We walked up to the person slowly. It was a young boy, mabey seventeen. He didnt move as we approached him. His dirty hair was covered in dried blood. His arms were cut, beat, and bloody.

His face....

It was burnt off his skull-

The smell hit me and I instantly gagged and backed away fighting the urge to throw up. With how badly the condition of the body was I could barely identify them.

"Sho..." Hizashi said quietly from behind me, shaking me from my thoughts. I turned to face him, I hadnt even noticed he left my side.

He had a sad and concerned look. In his hands he held a small wallet with the UA symbol sewn into the expensive leather. I took the smooth material into my hands and opened it up.

I wish I never had.

I felt my heart sink and tears or a mixture of sadness, guilt, and anger fall from my eyes as I looked at the identification photo of the now deceased.

The wallet,

The body,

It all belonged to a student.

My student.

I couldnt turn to face the burnt and mutilated body of the young male. All I could do was cry and clutch the wallet in my hand tightly. I let my student get hurt. I am supposed to protect them and now one is sitting in a chair in front of me in the middle of the woods with no face.


I felt Hizashi try to give me a reassuring hug but I didnt accept. I didnt need reassurance right now.

"Sho... I'm so sorry..." he said trying to keep his trembling voice steady and calm.

"This is my fault. I was supposed to protect him! But how hes dead and I couldn't do anything to save him!" I was shouting now. Hizashi knew I was upset so he didnt try to calm me down, he just let me yell and get it out of my system.

"I'm going to find the bastard that did this and when I do, lord have mercy on his soul" i said lowering my voice, full of anger.

I walked past the decaying corpse to the cabin door. Hizashi quickly ran after me. I went to open the door but as soon as my hand turned the door knob the floor beneath me and Hizashi collapsed.

And we fell into darkness.

I felt the hard concrete slam into my body, the pain and the darkness threatening to take me. I heard the sound of flesh impacting with stone.

I couldnt fight it anymore.

As I felt my conciousness slip out of my grasp all i could think about was the people i had let down. The student i bad let down.

How would his family react? How would his classmates take it? How would I deal with the grief and pain?

I finally felt the world around me slip away with one last dreadful thought:

Katsuki Bakugo is dead.

(A/N) Aaaand so go ahead and hate me!! Yup I killed blasty boy. Sorry lol. Anyways I hope you liked the chapter and I hope I didnt crush your souls as much as I did mine when writing this. Thank you so much for the votes and your fun comments!! Love you all so much!! For realsies!! ♡♡♡♡

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