Chapter 4~Like a Bride

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(Aizawa POV)
I hated waiting.

God, I hated waiting. I hated this.

I'm stuck bare chested on a net hanging 9 feet off the ground, waiting for Hizashi to free me before i bleed to death.

Okay that last part was a little exaggerated. I am bleeding hut I won't die. Though it feels like it. These cuts I have, hurt. A lot.

I want a nap...

"Sho! I have an idea!" Hizashi yelled. I almost died right there with relief.

"What took you so long?! What idea?!"

"Okay um... just hold your breath really quick okay? If you dont then I will... uh... I dont know, just do it!"

"What?" I sighed "okay whatever Zashi. Just get me down from here"

I did as he said and took a deep.breath and held it.

I should not have let go.

I felt my body plummet towards the ground. Instinctively i opened my mouth to yell, realizing the breath i had been holding. I hit the ground with a loud and painful, painful, painful CRASH!!

"Oh! Sorry Shouta!" Zashi yelled as he ran to my side. I looked at his bright red face.

"You okay?" I asked through a grunt. He nodded quickly and turned away, grabbing my torn up shirt from behind him.

"Oh Sho..." he said absent mindedly as he scanned my wounds once more. His hand gently touched my skin, just above my left side, leaving tingles where his fingers brushed my cold flesh.

My entire face heated up.

"I think I heard a river not too far away. We cam clean you up. If we go past that tree you were caught in then i can hear rushing water in the distance. It shouldnt be too far" he suggested quietly.

I could tell he felt bad about the condition i was in. It wasnt his fault though and i didnt want him to think that way.

Even though he had been speaking, i barely heard a word he said. His emerald eyes looked beautiful as they reflected light from the sun. His skin felt soft from where his hand still slightly grazed my bare skin.

I snapped out of it when he began to unexpectedly wrap his arms around me. Out of habit i squirmed and gave him a questionable look.

"What are you-"

"Come on Sho. You wont be able to walk very fast like that"

"I'm not disabled!"

He just gave me a blank stare until I looked away and muttered under my breath "fine..."

I know he just did it because he cared hut that didnt mean it felt any less awkward.

He proceeded to wrap his arms around me and pick me up.

Bridal style.

I had to wrap my arms around his soft neck to keep from falling. As he said he would, he began to carry me to the river he talked about earlier.

"I can walk on my own..." I said hesitantly and embarrassed. I moved my head so it was leaning against his chest so he couldnt see my beat red face.

"Too bad" he said sternly. Well there is no point in trying to argue with him. It was pretty difficult to change his mind once he was set on something.

I sighed and nuzzled my head against his chest, letting him carry me in silence to the river.

(A/N)I'm sorry if this chapter was a little short!! But awe it's so wholesome!! I hope you guys enjoyed though!! Thanks for the votes!! Love you all ♡♡♡♡

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