Chapter 5~A Lump

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(Aizawa POV)

I must have dosed off because the next thing I remember was Jizashi walking me up with the sound of running water nearby.

I was lying on the river bank, I didnt even feel him set me down. I looked up at his eyes as he spoke calmly.

"Sho, it might hurt but you need to get in the water. I can clean your cuts"

I felt me face turn a slight shade of pink "I can clean them myself... thanks though. You can go further down and clean yourself up if you want"

He shook his head "No, let's stay together in case something happens. I'll just sit up here I guess"

I sighed and stood up, making my way to the river. I began to peel off my pants and socks, leaving them on a dry area of dirt.

Making me exposed in only underwear.

I'm not going to lie, I didnt really care that Hizashi was still watching me. When we were younger we would go swimming all of the time. No big deal.

Except he is staring!!

I inched into the cool water with a small wince as it touched my open wounds. I sank down on my knees so the water was up to my shoulders. I began to clean the dirt out of my skin.

And then suddenly I felt hands on my back helping me.

"You know, I kinda miss when you would go swimming with me" Hizashi said calmly.

My entire face burnt a fierce red. I took a few subtle breaths to calm my embarrassment before turning around and facing him. He had undressed himself leaving his clothes in a pile beside mine, only in underwear. We were so close...

I tried to take my mind off of the close and exposed proximity we were to each other.

"Yeah until I was the most pale kid there" he chuckled.

"I always thought you looked fine"

"Yeah? Coming from the only guy who would deal with my crap. Even when I'm throwing cases and baseball bats at people" We both laughed for a bit and it turned into a calming silence as we just looked at each other.

Not talking at all, just staring. Admiring.

I hadnt even realize how long I had been staring at him until I heard a small squeak. Over by mine and Hizashis clothes, sat Carrots.

"By the way, how are we going to feed him?" I asked. Hizashi looked from the rabbit to me.

"How do you know it's a him hmmm"

"He has a lump?"

Hizashi started laughing "A lump?! Thags how you know a rabbits gender now!"

I smiled and chuckled lightly "Well its not two lumps it's only one"

(I'm sorry this is the weirdest conversation ever but I just had to add it lol)

"Smh! Assuming genders!"

I quickly pulled him under the water and popped up with him coughing.

"Hey!" He yelled, clearly fighting off a smile.

"Haha" I slicked my wet hair back and out of my face before walking up on the bank. Hizashi followed not long after, his long hair hanging down by his shoulders and his wet banana print underwear sticking to his thighs.

Oh wow-

He layed down in a dry sunny patch of grass and motioned for me to lay beside him. I did exactly that. We just chatted about small things and stared at the clouds.

"I miss those days" he said.

"Yeah- me too"

(A/N) Holy moly some of the ranking for this story's categories is n u t s!! Thank you guys so much for the fun comments and the votes!! I really hope you're enjoying this! Love you all ♡♡

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