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Kimi approached his home like a stealthy predator against its prey once he noticed a car parked before his house. Who could his mother possibly know or who could remember her after twelve years of absence? When he reached the door to his house, he glared at the car as he shuffled to open the door.

When he pushed the door open, he was greeted by low whispering sounds of conversion. The creaking sound of the shutting door reduced the noise and a tuft of blonde hair poked out from the doorway of the dinning room.

Kimi raised his eyebrows as he stared at the little, blonde boy who stared back at him in awe. His eyes studied the boy as he crouched and dropped the items in his hands so he could pull off his shoes.

“Kimi?” Kara called out.

Loud footsteps emerged from the dinning room and a tall, blonde boy—an older version of the little boy—walked out of the room. He grinned widely as he saw Kimi and approached him.

“Kim!” the boy exclaimed as he spread his arms wide, only to be tackled by Kimi. He fell with a loud thud and a pained groan, only to be rewarded by Kimi’s livid gaze.

“Don’t freaking touch me you ass!” Kimi growled wildly.

The little boy yelped and started bawling. More footsteps resonated throughout the house and a man and a woman emerged from the room.

The woman rushed to the boy and picked up her bawling son. “Shh. Mummy’s got you.”

The man shook his head as he held out a helping hand to his son. “You still excel at annoying people Duan.”

The little boy rubbed his eyes with his fists. “Du-Du. Hwurt. Meanie!” His tear-filled gaze was directed at Kimi and this was followed by his parents’.

“Kimi?” the woman questioned in a startled manner.

Kimi was breathing heavily as his mother walked out of the kitchen, a napkin in her hand. Kara observed the situation and approached her son with a sigh. She stretched her comforting hands towards Kimi but he moved out of her reach.

“Mother? Who are these people?” Kimi directed his harsh gaze to his mother.

Kara sighed. “This is Mr. and Mrs. Jaeger and their sons Duan and Devon.”

Duan waved at Kimi with a silly grin. “Hello. Sorry for frightening you.”

Kimi furrowed his eyebrows as he recognized the silly grin; his shoulders slouched. “You’re still a freaking ass.”


The dinning room was filled with icy tenseness, and the screeching of utensils against plates poked the icy tenseness as they all ate in silence. Kara cleared her throat as she noticed her son put his final spoon of food in his mouth and she hastened her chewing and swallowed.

“Um, Kimi, don’t you want more?”

Kimi shook his head and stood up, but was halted by Mr. Jaeger.

“Please sit,” Ace, Duan’s father, voiced. He picked his cup and sipped water from it.

Kimi groaned, cursed under his breath and sat on his chair, the plate still in his tight grip.

“So, Kimi, how have you been since I last saw you?” Clove, Duan’s mother, asked cheerily.

Kimi rolled his eyes. “Lonely.”

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