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When it was time for the sightseeing, Neeva hurdled the students and teachers and led them into the city, a broad smile on her face. She took them in and out of every street, explaining to them different things; she also introduced them to fun things such as traditional cloths, street food and face painting. By the time they returned to the hotel, it was already dusk, and the hotel had been decorated in preparation for the concert. Seeing the decorations suddenly reminded Kimi of Aurum and he shuddered, fully aware that one way or another, he was going to have to face Aurum. Be it that night, or any other time. When they got to their rooms, Kimi beelined to the bathroom, and Dae-yang was sporting a worried frown.

This was noticed by Silver, who in concern asked, “Dae-yang are you alright?” His hands were searching his bag for decent cloths. “You look stressed. Is anything wrong?”

Dae-yang shook her head, her lips glued shut in a thin line. She heaved a slow and quiet sigh as she dropped onto the bed, her fingers busy with the rubber band that had been holding her hair in a high, side ponytail.

“You sure?” He cocked an eyebrow. “Because today I had seen you with Jianbing. You guys were looking like you were arguing.”

Silver’s words caused Dae-yang to flinch, and this made Raja snort in amusement, the comb he had in his hand swimming through his ruffled, undercut, ash-coloured hair.

“I’m alright Silver,” she sighed quietly. She held her elbow and looked down at her toes as they played with the hairs on the rug. “We just... had a small fight. That’s all.”

“Small fight?” Raja scoffed and turned to look at her. “That wasn’t a fucking small fight.”

Silver shook his head and stood up. “Let the grown up handle this,” he said to Raja with a wave of his hand as he stepped to Dae-yang.

Raja rolled his eyes and threw his comb onto the bed. He held his waist, a frown working its way onto his face the moment he realized that he had no tickets to the concert. “How does one attend a concert without a ticket?” he grumbled.

“It’s part of the things Mr. Jaeger had financed,” Silver replied as he stood and walked to his bed.

Raja whistled in amazement, his eyebrows raised. “Whoa! What does Duan fucking live in? Gold?” He picked up his bag and dumped its items on his bed. “I had known for a while now that Mr. Jaeger was fucking rich. Duan being his son was something I didn’t know,” he said as his hands sifted through his rumpled clothes that laid on the unmade bed.

“Apparently Mr. Jaeger doesn’t fancy the idea of being a public figure. That’s why most people don’t know much about his children,” Silver said as he tried to pick the perfect attire for the concert.

“Hmm. Makes sense,” mumbled Raja as he picked up a caramel tank top and baggy shorts. He held it up to Silver. “This’s fucking perfect. Right?”

Silver raised a brow, smiling in amusement. “Don’t ask me. What if Rin sees you in it and predicts that it’ll bring you doom and destruction?” He folded his arms. “Will you still wear it?”

“Oh...” Raja dropped his hand and scowled at his cloths. “I think I need his advice.” He leaned forward and tatteredly gathered his cloths into his arms and rushed out of the room, some cloths almost slipping past his hands.

Dae-yang stiffled a laugh as she watched him with faint amusement, snorting loudly when he struggled to open and then shut the door. She sighed the moment he finally walked away, leaving the door ajar. She played with the rubber band, stroking it like a guitar string.

She exhaled loudly. “Do you think I’d ever get a chance to explain myself to Jianbing?” she said quietly and looked at Silver.

“Well...” Silver scratched the back of his head, his round, grey eyes fixed on his chosen cloths. “I don’t know. But... if you ever get the chance, instead of trying to explain yourself show yourself...” He blinked and looked up. “Does that make sense?”

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