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Duan swung his hands and avoided Kimi's murderous gaze. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I had no clue about everything. Please forgive me. Please. I'm so sorry and I promise to make it up to you." His words came out rushed and breathy.

Kimi exhaled slowly through his nostrils in order to control his harsh breathing and gnashed his gritted teeth. He sighed as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

"You have no right to apologize since everyone kept the truth from you." He sighed again, this time a little slower. "But you really upset me last night and I had every right to get mad."

Duan looked at Kimi and nodded slowly. "I underst-"

"No, you don't. Nobody does and they never will." He shifted from one foot to another and shook his head slowly. "The boy you knew twelve years ago isn't me. Duan I... I... I can't just feel like nothing ever happened and expect myself to forget. I..." He inhaled deeply and shook his head as he walked towards the exit, dodging Duan.

"But do you accept my apology?" Duan sounded hopeful yet lost as he looked up at the ceiling.

Kimi shrugged. "Time will tell."


"S-sleeping in the library is forbidden."

"I'm resting, not sleeping," Kimi grumbled as he opened an eye to peer up at his disturber. It was a pale-skinned girl with short, onyx bobbed hair and glasses.

"O-oh. I-I'm so sorry but we don't accept resting also," the girl stuttered as she adjusted her circular glasses which matched her chocolate eyes.

Kimi sat up and glared at the girl. "And how does that concern you?"

"I'm the l-library prefect."

Kimi raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Then go bother people who are actually disturbing others and not people like me who have nothing to do other than to rest." Kimi scoffed and placed his forehead on the table.

A light blush stained the girl's cheeks. "I f-forbid such nonsense." She gripped Kimi's shoulders and shook it. "G-get up. Get u-"

Kimi sat up and slapped her hands away. "Stop pestering me and don't freaking touch me."

The girl sighed, a few of her onyx hair falling into her face. "Please j-just-"

"Jianbing darling, do you-whoa." A plump, tall girl walked out from between two shelves, an open, large book in her hands. "Hot," she whispered as she accessed Jianbing's pink cheeks.

Jianbing groaned and turned to face the girl. "W-whatever you want can be provided to you b-by the librarian. A-and please stop calling me dar-"

"But you're the library prefect, my classmate and pretty much the hottest girl I've-"

"Will you... c-cut the crap?!"

Kimi rolled his eyes mockingly.

"Shh," hissed a voice.

Jianbing's blush deepened and she shot one last glare at the girl before stomping away, her shoulder angrily nudging the girl's shoulder harshly as she passed her. The girl stumbled and the book she was holding slipped from her hands and landed with a heavy thud.

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