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Kimi turned off the tap and wiped his hands dry on a rag. “I’m off to be—”

“Wait!” Kara lightly tapped her head to rid it of an itch as she said, “maybe we could watch a movie. Or a clip. Or—”

“Mother, since when did we spend my bedtime watching movies and clips?” Kimi leaned against the sink and folded his arms, a questioning look on his face. “Mother, are you going to be freaking abducted tomorrow?” He raised an eyebrow.

Kara scoffed. “No. I... I... I just want to... you know... get to know my son better.” She leaned against the counter and placed a hand on her waist. “Yeah, b-better.”

Kimi frowned. “You carried me in your womb for nine months, went through a lot of freaking pain and delivered me with a squirt, and you don’t know much about me.” Kimi unfolded his arms. “I’m freaking hurt.”


“Actually I’m—” Kimi stopped as his mother gave him a menacing look. He cleared his throat. “After all you are my mother, obviously, and you call the shots, freaking obviously.”

Kara nodded with a witty smile. “We’re watching The Notebook.”

His shoulders sagged. “Mother I freaking have school tomorrow.”

Kara shook her head and pulled off her apron. “Nope. Tomorrow is Saturday and you’re watching The Notebook with me. Period.”

Kimi huffed. “Mothers.”

“Children.” Kara sighed.

After all  I am indebted to you as a mother. Kara sighed. Children.


The rays of the sun blared through the window as Kimi searched his drawers with a worried expression. He huffed.

Fuck. Not again. He banged the drawer shut. Did it even last up to a month! Fuck!

Pulling on a hoodie, Kimi shuffled out of his bedroom, his wallet and a pair of sandals in his hands. “Mother I’m going to the supermarket to get a few items!”

The door to Kara’s bedroom squeaked open. “Can you please get me a packet of salt and a bottle of olive oil?”

“Oh, okay.” Kimi put on his sandals and opened the door.

“Don’t talk to any stranger!” She held her neck.

“I’m not a freaking baby,” Kimi called out as he shut the door.

Kara sighed and shut her bedroom’s door. She massaged her neck—relieving it of every stress—as she moved to the bathroom but stopped as her eyes caught sight of the remnant of the previous day’s message. She groaned and walked back into her room.


Kimi sighed as the light, morning breeze swept across his face with a lingering earthy smell. He pulled down the hood of his sweatshirt and raised his gaze to the clear, blue sky, squinting against the harsh sunlight.

His strolling was disturbed by a person who collided into him. “Fuck! Can’t you see where you’re—” Kimi paused as the person looked down at him past the shadows of their baseball cap. “Dae-yang?”

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