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For a whole week after that attack, Kimi never spoke to anyone except Ravenna who brought him food. He simply stayed by Aurum who had been unconscious since that day. The week passed and the Friday of his make up test came. He couldn’t miss the test for anything so he conquered the urge to stay isolated and prepared for school.

When Kimi finally freshened up, he walked back to Aurum’s figure that was laid in bed. Kimi held his hand that was connected to a drip’s bag that contained blood instead.

“I’ll be back soon,” Kimi whispered, bringing his freezing hand to his lips. “If you wake up we can finally start all over. This time we’ll sort out our feelings.”

Kimi dropped his hand on the bed and patted it before he left. On his way out, he picked up his bag from the couch in the room. Hanging it over his shoulders, Kimi sluggishly moved to the landline and pressed number one. Then he picked up the phone and slackly held it to his ear.

A beep sounded. “Yes Young Master?” came Ravenna’s muffled voice from the landline.

“I can’t find my way out of this house,” he said tiredly and Ravenna chuckled faintly.

“Is that all Young Master?”

“No. Tell Ren to take me to school,” he sighed.


The call disconnected and Kimi dropped the phone. He gazed over his shoulders at Aurum’s white body that was getting sucked in by the blackness of the room.

Kimi’s hand flew to the locket around his neck. “I have no fear,” he mumbled as he looked at the locket. “I am fearless.”


The day went by slower than usual. It was dull and Kimi got called a zombie more than before due to the dark circles around his eyes that had become worse. But Kimi simply zeroed them out and swerved through the day. The Vdélla siblings and his cousin tried to talk to him but he shunned them by giving an excuse that he didn’t want to be bothered because he had a test to prepare for. When the time for his test came, the school was partially empty and he had no fear whatsoever. He was almost killed in the same school yet he survived; it was something like a trophy to remind him that he still lived.

As Kimi walked into the classroom, it was only he, Mr. Marshall, rows of desks and chairs, and the rainstorm outside the closed windows.

“Please sit down,” Mr. Marshall said, getting up from his chair. He picked up a question paper and answer booklet. “I hope you’re prepared for this test,” he said, walking to a desk on the front row and slapped the items on them.

Kimi hummed tiredly and walked to the desk. He threw his bag on the floor and dumped his body in the seat. The second he saw the words on the paper, his vision swirled and he blinked rapidly.

“Mr. Mikaelis are you alright?” Mr. Marshall asked, pushing up his glasses with a finger. “You look like you’ve been lacking sleep.”

Kimi answered with a hum again and reached out for the papers. He dragged them closer to himself and plucked a pen out of his pocket.

Mr. Marshall looked at his wristwatch. “You can start,” he said, keeping his eyes on Kimi. He watched Kimi as he picked up the question paper and brought it to his face. When a thunder rumbled outside, Kimi flinched and glared at the window. “Is the rain a bother?”

Kimi shook his head and Marshall walked away. Kimi exhaled and opened the booklet. He breezed through the instructions and went straight to the questions.

Most of the questions were easy but twisted; the questions asked were mostly of translations and normal, everyday questions and a comprehension. As Kimi looked at the first question, he bristled. The question was: What does ‘blood’ mean in Latin? Mr. Marshall had asked him the same question a long time ago and he hadn’t been able to answer it.

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