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N/B: this chapter has gore. You’ll know when you get there. If it’s too much, just skip it. :)


Kimi stooped to pick up the pad and continued his search for his own item. Mr. Marshall moved with him, dragging his trolley along. The boy groaned because he couldn’t find what he was searching for.

“You know, as a senior, Dae-yang never really pays attention in class,” Mr. Marshall voiced, “like you.”

Kimi hummed in response as he kept on searching for the item. He gave up after a long search and decided to go home without it.

“Is this what you’re looking for?” Mr. Marshall questioned as he picked up a packet of bath salt from a shelve way above Kimi’s head.

Kimi shook his head. “No, that’s not...” He frowned as he read the brand of the bath salt. “Actually, that’s it.” He took the packet out of his teacher’s hand. “How...”

“I heard it’s the best there is.” His teacher shrugged. “Just remembered someone I knew who was obsessed with this stuff.”

Kimi exhaled. “Right.” Without sparing another second, he walked briskly out of the aisle and bumped into an approaching Dae-yang. “Can’t you ever freaking look at where you’re going?”

“Sorry. It’s not my fault that I’m the human replica of lighthouses.”

“Did you get it?” Kimi drawled as he handed over the pad to Dae-yang.

“I don’t know.” She exhaled strongly. “I got the salt and the bottle of olive oil.” She exchanged items with Kimi and he walked away without a second glance. She rushed to walk beside him. “I thought you’d ask the ‘but’. That’s what that always happens.”

“Go look for someone else to freaking pester.”

Dae-yang puffed air out of her mouth. “But I forgot my purse at home.” She sighed. “What am I going to do now?”

Kimi shrugged. “You can freaking ask Google. He has all the answers.”

Dae-yang rubbed her chin and narrowly avoided two kids running wildly. “You’re right. He does know all the answers. Oink, oink.”

Kimi stopped and looked up at Dae-yang. “‘Oink, oink’? Seriously?” He face-palmed. “Were you freaking dropped on the head as a baby. You’re...” He heaved a sigh with a shake of his head.

“Actually I rolled off the bed and onto the floor as a baby and dented my skull. That area has scanty hair,” she said while patting her head in a dramatic manner.

Kimi and Dae-yang walked through the river of bustling people in order to pay for their stuffs. When they got in a queue and payed for everything, Kimi tried as much as possible to loose Dae-yang but to little avail.

“Can you stop following me?”

“But I...” She suddenly froze and held onto Kimi’s arm. “Slow down,” she breathed and Kimi tensed.

He tried to wiggle his arm out of her metallic grip. “What—”

A wail quaked the building and people turned their heads in fear. They started muttering in concern, their worried voices trying to climb on top of the other when the wailing continued relentlessly. Kimi looked up at Dae-yang with a confused expression. She gave him a hard look as a response.

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