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The sky was a dusty pink that faded into orange, the best colors to fill the sky even though they stayed for only a few minutes. He swung his feet back and forth softly, unaware of the new presence sitting next to him.

The presence felt no need to say anything, the mere thought of destroying a tranquil moment such as now giving him shivers down his spine.

A light summer breeze grazed both of their skin as they watched the sun sink lower into the horizon, the dusty pink from before now becoming a purple. Dark blue, almost black, lined the horizon, white speckles of light making themselves known to the world for another night before disappearing during the day.

The boy rested his head on the presence's shoulder, the touch being so overwhelmingly welcoming. They begun to watch the stars that now replaced the pretty sunset, and they simultaneously sighed, both content.

"Thank you," the boy said, his small, happy smile making his freckled cheeks scrunch up near his eyes.

The presence smiled back, his eyes smiling along with his mouth as he replied, "your welcome."

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