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the sun

The bright sun decided to make the day hot, and have harmful ultra violet waves hit the people on a piece of rock that always floats around it.

The sun was very vengeful, hating anything and everything, but was always front and center. It hated that. It just wanted time for it self, to make friends no one else knew.

It has been hard for the sun to have anything for it self since those pesky humans decided to find out everything beyond their planet, but nothing within a certain level below the masses of water they have.

It was beautiful to watch the humans fail, but all the sun's joy would soon fall to an end, and the humans would always achieve their goals.

go see the sun for me. felix-

Changbin gave Felix an unwavering look of fear. His face was completely stoic, but his eyes shown the fear that spring from the words that just came from Felix's mouth.

"What caused the fire?" Changbin asked anyway, which amused Felix.

Changbin was so confident. So confident that it would be the cause of his downfall.

Felix eyed the boy for a second, gave a short laugh, and turned away like he was the confident protagonist that figured everything out. Then, with his tone filled with a sarcastic underlying to the matter-of-fact one he put on, he spoke, "I think who started the fire would be a better way of phrasing the question."

There was a thick, uncomfortable and agonizing silence, so Felix continued, "and since you're not gonna say anything, I'll tell you why.

"You, my dear Changbin, are the arsonist that the Seoul police department have been working their asses off to catch. You, my dear Changbin, pour grease onto my front porch, because you knew the fire fighters would never think a grease fire would start on the front porch. You spied on me for months-"

"How do you know I spied on you?" Changbin blurted in the middle of Felix's explanation.

Felix laughed, pointing a finger at Changbin, "You idiot. I'm a paranoid schizophrenic, I keep my window open in case I hear something outside. You're not a very good spy, deary."

"Either way," Felix continued his explanation for the pure adrenaline it sent through his blood as he watch Changbin's composure break into tiny, tiny, bits and pieces. "It doesn't matter whether you were a good spy or not, because when you tried to impress me with knowing the book I was currently reading, you lied about where you saw it.

"I didn't have any book in my book bag. I didn't have that book with me, because it got burnt to a crisp in my house. I never finished the first book."

"You fucker," Changbin spat, crossing his arms. He looked like he was using all his energy to keep himself from killing Felix right then and there.

Felix rolled his eyes, "you immature, low life fuck face.

"I'm not stupid, and I knew exactly who you were the moment you mentioned knowing Chan. He never shut up about his beloved best friends that he adored. The friends he wanted nothing but the best for.

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