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Felix ignored his text from Changbin, walking to his house quickly as he calls Jackson and tells him he won't be able to make it to work.

The plan has gone to shit. Felix had made it to his family's apartment. He quickly changed his clothes to more comfortable ones. He straighten out his messy hair, and looked in the mirror.

"We will not become a murderer."

Chan laughed, "I can't believe this."

"I can't believe you, you shit head," Felix blurted, and then left his house.

He caught the bus to the nearest police station, and walked in.

"How may we be of service to you today?" The woman behind the glass said.

Felix fidgeted, and then mustered up to courage to speak. "I need to speak to the chief, it's important."


"Mom, I need you to make a therapist appointment," Felix said, fumbling with his fingers as he nervously stood in front of his mother.

The older woman stared at her son, and sat down at the small, mediocre dining table they had in their downsized apartment. She continued to stare at her son as she asked, "why is that?"

Felix also took a seat at the mediocre dining table, and took a large breath as he explained what was going to happen, "I need you to make me a therapist appointment because I'm going to get the boy who made Chan kill himself put into prison. And speaking of Chan, he hasn't left my side in two weeks and I've tripled my dose and it's not working."

"Woah, what?" His mother, who was bewildered, finally put down her coffee, and looked at Felix with such a horrified look it almost made Felix flinch.

But Chan has made Felix feel much more fear.

"Please make me a therapist appointment, and if you see an article on the internet or the newspaper, just know I didn't do anything illegal." Felix said staring at his mother with a pleading look.

He had no time to waste, he had no time.

He needed to get going now or he would be late.

He couldn't be late.

"Mom, I can't be late. I'll be home before midnight. I love you!" Felix ran out the apartments doors, not looking back as he ran down the steps, listening to his mothers string of curse words at his abrupt exit.

He was going to get grounded.


The music playing through his earbuds contrasted. One song was as bright as day, and the next would be dark as night. Felix's taste in music could be so teenage popular girl to dark, grungy, emo kid that no one else liked listening to his playlist.

His playlist in friends was quite similar. His best friend is a dance instructor's assistant, the other was extremely talented in the arts, one was a bookworm like him, and one just happened to be captain of the basketball team before he graduated.

And he befriended a serial killer.

He looked out the window of the bus, and watched as hundreds of buildings passed, hundreds of people pass. He would be lying if he said he didn't notice little things about those people he saw on the sidewalks, or the building the large vehicle passed. Felix read people like he read books. With care and consideration, noticing almost every single detail.

The bus had finally made it to his stop. He took a long, nervous breath in. Felix stood up and walked off the bus without saying his usual thank you to his bus driver.

Thoughts swarmed every inch of his mind, consuming his thoughts.

Did he really want to go through with this plan.

Could he go through with the plan?


Felix saw the shorter man standing at the bridge, standing in the dead center of the wooden beams holding him above the water. Changbin gave him a smile, but it was shaky, like one wrong word could make it collapse like the old, wooden bridge beneath them.

"What didn't you answer my calls?" Changbin said, the underlying tone of annoyance and hate flowing into the more cheerful he was putting on for Felix.

Felix knew this would happen. Felix knew Changbin was a control freak.

Felix put on a sympathetic smile, one showing a false guilt, "my mother needed to talk to me about something, and I left my phone in my room. Since you didn't text saying it was important, or the contents of the calls, I assumed we could just wait until I got here."

"I see," Changbin nodded, halfway pleased with the answer. Changbin was still annoyed, but knowing the situation for being ignored, his hate of being out of control subsided.

Changbin's face gave it all away.

"Then lets get on our way. I can't wait to sit under the stars with you, and watch the sun set into the horizon as we get into deep conversations about the meaning of life," Felix said in one breath, letting a bit of his personality show in what anyone else would consider a light-hearted situation.

Changbin nodded in agreement, a short and genuine laugh erupting from his lips.

They had a light hearted chat while they watched the sun go down in the thirty minutes it took to get to their spot.

Felix stood in the middle, basking in the silver light from the moon. Changbin silently watched, Felix feeling the focused glare on him.

"I know," Felix said, looking directly into Changbin's eyes. The concentration the took the space of his eyes now changed into a look of confusion.

"You know what?" Changbin muttered, allowing his question to be barely loud enough for Felix to hear.

Felix sighed, grinning at Changbin like he was going to skin him alive.

The freckled boy laughed, the noise sounding as if it came from a maniac.

"I know what started the grease fire that burnt down my home."

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