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imagination station

Felix was laying on his bed, scrolling through his phone when he saw someone walk past his door. He shrugged it off, getting up and walking to the kitchen to get some water. There he was met with a familiar bleach blonde, standing in front of the fridge where the cold water bottles hid.

"Chan, please move. I can't do this tonight," Felix said, rubbing his eyes in hopes that Chan would disappear. The blonde didn't disappear, but he did move out of Felix's way. Felix sighed, grabbed his water from the refrigerator, and started his trek back to his room.

This was going to be a long night.

"I can't believe you're just letting him think you don't know whats up," Chan said, sitting on his younger brothers bed like he used to when Felix was upset.

Which was the situation right now.

"You were the one who suggested it in the first place," Felix replied before sipping his water. Chan rolled his eyes before laying down across the bed.

"You're not wrong. I just didn't think it would work as well as it had," Chan clarified, and then rolled onto his stomach, "you'd think if he remembered how much I talked about you that he would think that I talked about him."

Felix laughed, before laying down on his bed. "You have got to leave after this situation is over. You're too distracting."

"But you'll miss me," Chan stated.

"I miss you. Thats why you're here in the first place. Because my head likes to fuck with me and my emotions and doesn't care about my health," Felix said pointedly. The boy then rolled over on his side, only for Chan to cover him with his own, imaginary body.

The blonde sighed into the boys hair, and said, "don't tell me you have feelings for him."

Felix sighed, rolling over, now laying on his back. He stared into Chan's eyes, "Changbin just- We clicked a lot better than I expected. I don't want to call off the plan, but he just- I don't know."

"It won't work," Chan said, abruptly getting up leaving the previously warmth Felix felt now becoming so cold he almost shivered. Felix huffed,but Chan smacked his chest, "it will never work. He didn't get to kill me, so you automatically became his next target. You've got to beat him at his own fucking game."

"I know that!"

"Then fucking act like it."

Felix cowered. He'd never cowered to Chan. Chan didn't let him, didn't want him to. He told Felix to shut the fuck up once, but Felix kept on talking because Chan told him to never step down.

This was not the Chan that left him.

People change, even when you imagine them.

"Look," Felix muttered, sitting up and stretching as he spoke, "I don't have time for you to be a prick, and I don't have time for you to act like you run this shit, because you don't. I'm here, and I know exactly what I'm doing."

"Then stop having a crush on him."

"I don't have a crush on him."

Chan cackled, his voice venomous, "it sure seems like you do."

Felix's eyes go dark, his voice goes deeper, and his tone is so monotonous that it's scary, "if I had a crush on him, there's no way I would've made out with him."

Chan stared at Felix, like staring directly at his little brother would help him find the words he wanted to say.

Chan then started to lean closer to Felix, his forehead resting against the others. "Get those thoughts out of your head, Felix."

"How'd you know..."

"Because," Chan mumbled, snapping to pull Felix's attention back to himself, "I'm constantly in your head. It's where I came from."

"Which is so, so sad because I liked you much more when you didn't know everything I thought."

"Shut up, Felix. Snap out of it or this plan will never, ever, work!" Chan screeched, throwing Felix's pillow in his face as he stood up from the boys bed. Chan began to pace the room.

Felix watched his older brother for a minute before speaking up, "stop fucking pacing Chan, I can't stand it when you pace!"

"I can't stand when you decide to do the one thing that fucks up the entire plan you, your friends, and I have been working on this pst month!" Chan yelled, breaking the pattern of his pacing to walk towards Felix and pull the boy slightly off his bed by his collar. Both boys held fear in their eyes, knowing exactly how badly this could end if the violent thoughts both had continued.

"Maybe," Felix mumbled, grabbing onto Chan's hands in hopes the touch would make them unclench. "Maybe we should drop the plan."

"Maybe you should leave this imagination station and ride the train back to reality and realize that there is no dropping the plan at this point," Chan growled, but he let go of Felix's shirt.

While the younger straightened out his shirt, he watch Chan run his hands through his hair, a habit when he got over-stressed. "On the bridge, give Changbin a kiss, and he'll think that you think it is actually just a date."

"I already thought of that, Chan. I know what I'm doing, and I also know how late it is. So I'm going to sleep."

Chan laid down, but didn't curl up next to Felix like he would before he died. He laid flat on his back, and stared up at the ceiling. "One day you'll understand how unbelievably good the outcome of this plan will be."

Felix never believed Chan after he died, but tonight he really, really wanted to.

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