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our sorry hearts

"Thank you." Felix muttered, staring up at the newly visible stars. Changbin rested his head on Felix's shoulder, not missing how his cute freckles scrunch up.

The shorter of the two just sighed happily, replying with a short and sweet, "you're welcome."

"I really enjoyed tonight. I hope we can do this again soon." Felix whispered, leaning his head against Changbin's, leading to Changbin becoming too comfortable with their current positions.

Felix is always polite. Even though he uses vulgar words.

Before he could get anymore comfortable, he stood up and held his hand out. "Can I show you something?"

Felix gave him a confused look, but got up and took the others hand.

They walked for a good thirty minutes before they made it to a large opening somewhere in the forest. Felix stared up to the sky in amazement, automatically recognizing the stars and some of the constellations that were rumored to be here.

Felix looked back down at Changbin, his face holding an indescribable look of joy.

"It's beautiful."

Good thing Felix likes the stars.

"I was sure you'd fall in love with place after you mentioned wanting to be an astronomer," Changbin muttered, laying down in the middle of the opening. Felix followed suit, pointing and naming all of the constellations he knew, and then describing what all of them meant.

Felix's talking about his interests is so endearing, Changbin almost thought about not going through with his plan.


"Back in greek mythology, constellations were named after the hero it looked like," Felix said, looking toward Changbin, smiling as he grabbed the boys chin, "I would name one after you. You're my hero."

"Because I do your math homework," Changbin said, rolling his eyes as Felix bursts into laughter. He giggled along with the boy next to him as Felix calmed down.

"That's not the only reason," Felix whispered, staring at Changbin, "you didn't leave me when you found out I had schizophrenia."

"Well," Changbin whispered back, his whole body alert due to how close their faces were, "you're my hero too."

"How come?" Felix backed his face up, but Changbin's followed it.

"Because you gave me a reason to keep going."

Felix's breath became shaky, and his eyes glanced down at Changbin's lips before sticking to his eyes. Felix's lips broke out into a smile, and he wrapped the arm that wasn't holding him up around Changbin's waist, pulling the boys body against his.

"Likewise," Felix muttered.

Their lips crashed together in a lust filled kiss, and all the tension left their bodies as they melted into each other.

Their lips felt soft against one another, and they moved in sync, not missing a single beat. Felix moved so his body was now parallel with Changbin's, and they both pressed harder into the kiss.

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