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burnt because of a sandwich

Felix huffed a large sigh as he walked into his place of work. He needed to get so much homework done, and he also needed to ask if he could potentially get his schedule changed if he did end up needing to get a second job.

He was not looking forward to it.

Felix plopped down on the break rooms couch, tired. He's become a night owl, disregarding his need to sleep. Felix didn't want to miss a single moment of living.

His thoughts were interrupted with a cough, and Felix whipped his head to see an awkwardly standing Changbin in the door way. He looked down at Felix's hands, which were holding his homework despite the stinging. His left hand had a big blister on the side of it, running its way to his palm.

"What happened?" Changbin asked, eyes staring at the burn on his coworkers hand. Felix followed his staring, looking at his burn for the millionth time today.

Setting down his homework, he rubbed his eyes, and held his left hand in his right hand. His thumb gently caressed his burn, taking precaution. Felix sighed, remembering his own stupidity, "I was making a sandwich."

"You were making a sandwich and," Changbin asked, motioning his hands in a circling movement.

Felix sighed, giving a slight chuckle at Changbin's antics. He was finally getting used to how quiet but nosy the man was. "I was making a sandwich, and my hand hit the pan, and the pan burnt it."

Changbin rolled his eyes. "That wasn't what I meant, I was asking for details."

Felix wasn't about to tell Changbin that while he was making himself a grilled cheese sandwich that he saw his recently passed older brother walked across the living room of his grandparents house from the corner of his eye. He was not about to tell him that his head was a shit ton of mess and he hadn't gotten any medicine for it recently. Felix wasn't about to tell an almost stranger that he saw his dead brother.

He just wasn't going to do that.

So he resorted to being a little rude to get his point across.

"I'm aware of that, but I have homework, so unless you're gonna help me, go away please." Felix said, laughing as Changbin's face went from offense to shock, and then sympathy.

"Must be hard, still being in high school." Changbin said, sitting down next to the freckled boy. Felix side glanced at him, unaware of Changbin's motives.

Finally realizing what he said, Felix stared at him, "What do you mean? You go to college?"

Changbin shook his head, "I took dual enrollment classes in high school and already got my degree in business. My parent are just waiting until I'm twenty to start taking reign over the company."

"Company?" Felix pried, unaware of his curiosity running his mouth for him. Felix's hand unconsciously tapped his homework, his mind and attention tore between the conversation and his homework that was due the next day.

Changbin nodded, but seemed to realize Felix's divided attention, "I'll tell you about it some other time. Until that time comes, you're doing that wrong. Let me show you."

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