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half of a left leg

Distraught by hearing the news, Hyunjin had gasped and Felix cried, which led to Hyunjin crying.

That stupid fire had took away their dance partner. Their trio had collapsed to a duo, and now their whole word was falling apart.

"Calm down, Lix. You're making Hyunjin cry," Olivia said, wiping her own tears while attempting humor, which did work. Felix laughed and playfully punched Hyunjin, who sporadically and comically fell backwards onto his ass. Olivia continued her humor, saying, "I'll still be able to tell you when a dance move looks like shit in a choreography, and tell you the you look stupid dancing. The world's not ending because half my leg is gone."

Felix sighed, rubbing his eyes, "we know you will."

Hyunjin had finally decided to get up, and looked at Olivia with a sad look in his eyes. She was as much a little sister to Hyunjin as she was to Felix. "Are you sure you're going to be okay, Olivia?" He asked, his tone dripping in concern.

She solemnly nodded, wiping tears as the fell out of her eyes. "Life's a bitch, what am I going to do about it? It's better for me to just move on with my life than dwell on something that can't be changed."

Felix sighed, rubbing Olivia's back in hopes to comfort her. It seemed like hours had passed when she had finally been able to take a deep breath without breaking down. Felix looked at his phone, sighing, "I got to go, my shift starts in twenty minutes and I do not want Jackson beating my ass for being late."

"I also work there," Hyunjin started, smacking the back of Felix's head, "and he will understand if you're late."

"But you know how I am."


Felix glared knifes at him, "fuck you."

"Maybe later," Hyunjin winked, blowing an obnoxious kiss Felix's way.


Making it to the small café, Felix and Hyunjin did everything to get ready for their shift in sync, unbeknownst to their new coworker watching them in amazement.

"How the fuck do I get a friend like you two have?" A unfamiliar voice asked, causing the friends to whip their heads to stare at the short man in front of them.

Said short man flinched as he watch the in sync friends, and slowly started to back away before they had realized they scared him. Felix put a hand out, as if to demonstrate it was fine and they weren't demons.

"You pick a hobo up from the side of the road and hope they haven't gone bonkers," Hyunjin said, resulting in a flick to the forehead from Felix. The short guy laughed, sighing, "My best friend is an asshole with a lot of money, and his boyfriend is very socially awkward."

"That is a weird couple, but then again, I'm going to be a lonely, single gay with ten cats and a job as an accountant," Felix said, glaring at Hyunjin who laughed at his miserable life plans.

Hyunjin, after getting over his laughing fit, then said, "luckily, I have my lovely Seungminnie."

The short guy rolled his eyes, "I guess I'll be a lonely, single gay too. Anyway, my name is Seo Changbin, nice to meet y'all."

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