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slow down

Felix heard rapid footsteps behind him as he walked down his schools halls. Then someone tackled him to the ground before pulling him off his ass two seconds later.

Jisung stood there bouncing on his feet anxiously. "Jisung, are you good?"

Jisung looked around anxiously, and then stared a Felix with so much distress in his eyes that Felix couldn't tell whether he was acting or not.

"No, and I have something very important to tell you so let me drag your ass to the bathroom," Jisung mutters, pulling Felix by his arm to the nearest boys bathroom. Jisung was shaking. Felix felt concern blossom in his chest.

Once they made it to the bathroom, Jisung began to shake more. Felix grabbed his hands, but Jisung pulled his away. "This plan we have going on is a lot more fucked up then we realized."

"What do you mean?" Felix said, crossing his arms now that he wasn't trying to hold Jisung's.  The boy's eyes had a frantic look to them.

Jisung continued, "Minho called me and said that the police and all of them found out that it was a grease fire, and it wasn't started in your kitchen. It was started on your front porch. Like three other houses in the last six months.

"This isn't just getting back at Changbin anymore, this is getting a threat out of the way," Jisung said, now beginning to pace the bathroom. He was pulling his hair and his jaw was clenched, and he looked too stressed.

"I- I think we got to move the plan to today. If he's that smart, smart enough to get away with three cases of arson, then he'll catch on to us if we don't do this now," Jisung muttered, scratching his head, one of his many nervous habits.

"Jisung slow down," Jisung huffed, his harsh breath sounding aggravated and annoyed. Felix looked up, confused, "what's your problem?"

"My problem?" Jisung look at him incredulously, letting out a small laugh of disbelief. "My problem is that we shouldn't keep the situation to ourselves anymore. This isn't small. We should tell the police or something, let them handle the criminal."

Felix stared at Jisung, trying to find the sign he wasn't serious. Felix started backing him into the wall, and his breathing got heavier, and he laughed. He laughed so loud, so monotonously, Jisung felt himself shiver.

"This situation is far too personal to even consider letting the police get involved," Felix whispered, his face so close to Jisung's that if either one of them flinched, they would be kissing. "We've all lost someone to him, we all have reasons for wanting this plan, right?"

Jisung stared at him, and sighed, "I'm the first person who wants him dead and you know that. But I also know that the real Chan, and not the one in your head, wouldn't want you to end up in the Looney Bin is the authorities find out, you inconsiderate fuck. We care about you and each other too much."

Felix sniffled, tears falling down his cheeks, "that's why I don't care if I get caught."


"I took three of my pills today, Jisung. Three. Triple of my dose," Felix said, he head now laying against Jisung's shoulder. "And I'm still seeing Chan. He won't go away."

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