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homework sucks ass

"I'm absolutely livid," Felix said, throwing down his homework. Changbin sighed as he walked into the room.

Felix started morning shifts at another fast food place, and he was looking dead. Big eye bags, and he was getting paler by the day. But his personality was as bubbly as ever.

Felix wasn't even livid at his homework, which become very apparent when he poked Changbin in the chest, giving him a glare that could possibly kill him. "How dare you do my homework for me and let me stress about having to do it at home?"

"I had nothing better to do on my break," Changbin laughed, poking Felix back.

"You've been doing this for a week!" Felix cried, hugging Changbin. Changbin felt Felix's body shake with laughter before the freckled boy spoke again, "I mean, thank you, because we both knew I wasn't going to do it when I got home, but you could've told me!"

Changbin just chuckled, leading Felix out of the break room, "from now on, I promise to tell you that I'm doing your homework for you."

"That sounds a lot worse when it's said out loud," Felix said, now leaning against the counter of the café. He watched as Changbin set up the cash register and silently tapped his foot to what Felix was presuming was a beat in his head.

He looked calm, tranquil almost.

Felix sighed as the bell over the door ringed, having to turn away from the piece of art that was only standing an arms length away. Changbin greeted the customer with a wide smile, his customer service skills being impeccable.

Felix watched as Changbin took the customers order, his smile never leaving his face even when said customer kept changing his order.

The bell rung again, Felix having to take his eyes off Changbin once more to see the new customer walk through the glass door. Felix had put a small smile on his lips as he tried to match Changbin's customer service skills, "how may I help you today..."

He looked like Chan.

"Yeah! I would like to order a small slice of cheesecake, please!" The guy said, his face looking completely different than Chan's when Felix looked up after putting in his order.

Felix smiled, the gesture on his face becoming wobbly and unstable, like it could fall if you barely blow at it. "Of course. Is that all?"

"Yep!" The guy said, paying for his dessert and walking to an empty table.

Felix looked at Changbin, who was still taking this guys order. Changbin's smile was starting to falter as his face grew more annoyed and his fingers tapped the counter impatiently.

"Is that all?" Changbin finally asked, letting out a breath of relief when the guy nodded his head yes.

Felix laughed, going back in the kitchen to grab his customer's cheesecake. Changbin followed in pursuit.

While taking out a pre-made cheesecake from the fridge, Felix chuckled before asking, "that guy just couldn't make his mind up, could he?"

"Not at all. He went through half the fucking menu before deciding what to eat. If he ever comes back, you're taking his order!" Changbin exclaimed, his face showing how annoyed he was.

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