Rules, Availability, and Payment

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1.) Patience, kindness, and respect

I'll give you a timeline of when I think I'll have the review done as soon as I accept it. Please don't rush me, or make any rude remarks about that. Your book will be taken off my to-do list.

It may sound rude of me, but you show me kindness, I'll show you kindness.

2.) Fill out all needed parts of the review/promo

Self explanatory. Unless it's an optional part, you must fill out the entire form. Please, please, PLEASE only say yes if you want to do them. They do not give anyone's story more priority than another. They are only there to help promote. If you just want a review, then simple fill out the review form. If you want a promotion with just general information about your story, then don't fill out the optional parts. I get frustrated when people seem to be on the fence and back out last minute. I understand backing out of an interview if something has come up, but please, don't say you want all three optional parts and then back out of all three optional parts.

I know my forms are a bit longer than others, and this all may seem a bit harsh, but trust me when I say it makes writing reviews and promos 100X easier for me. When things are easier on me, then I'm a happy little helper and am more willing to help you out. So, please and thank you in advance.

3.) Choose ONE!

This book contains forms for promos, private and public reviews. Choose one for your book That's all you get: one service per book. Choose wisely.

Why am I only doing one? For reviews, there are optional choices that is the same optional choices as the promo. Because I do this, I'm not going to make two chapters for the same book.

How many books you have critiqued/promoted is infinite. Just be aware that there are other people who want their books reviewed/promoted as well.

4.) For Reviews, type I Agree on the form.

For private and public reviews, I have a little "waver" so-to-speak about giving me permission to comment on whatever I like on your book. I just need to know that you understand that. Of course, I, Junie, will try to be as kind as I can with the complimentary sandwich and with the constructive criticism, all while giving honest feedback.

5.) Chapter Requirement

It doesn't matter if your book is complete or incomplete. I will read at least 5 chapters, but will try to read up to the chapter count you have when the request is made. Please, do not ask me to read on unless you state in your request that you'd like to know how the book is doing as a whole, and if that's the case, have the book finished. The minimum a book must be is 3 chapters, unless it's a one-shot.

6.) Content

Reviews: only Pokéfic and My Hero Academia fics that's not rated R, no Horror (I can't read horror fics, so if there's a sub genre of horror, I'm warning you now, it's a no). 

Promos: Anything that's not rated R

Automatic No's: ton of violence (as in graphic detail a majority of the book), and absolutely no smut of any kind.

7.) English Only

I apologize in advance, but I'm not bilingual and only understand English. I also don't understand text lingo. For me to review or promote your story, it has to be readable and in English. If there are a couple of phrases that are in another language, then that's okay. The storyline must be in English though. 

8.) Punishment

As you can tell, failure to follow any of the rules will proceed in a few things.
1.) Your book won't be reviewed/promoted, which, trust me, is awkward for both of us.
2.) If a review/promo of your book is up, I have all rights to tear it down (more in regards to mature content...keep in mind the young kiddos who come across this book, okay. If you're rating it a rated R where kids under the age of 17 shouldn't be seeing it, then please look elsewhere).
3.) You're now permanently banned from making requests. I will kindly ask you to look elsewhere for future requests, but will warn other critics/review/promo services about the lack of respect that you have brought to this book.

You have been warned.

Hopefully no one has to go through that, but if so, I'm just giving ya'll a fair warning so that I'm not criticized for not giving one beforehand.


Like the last review book I've done, I'm going by a slot system. This means that you can request a review/promo if there is a slot open. These slots can be found in the Promo and Review dividers. DO NOT give me a review when all slots are filled. I will not respond to the request until I am finished with what I'm doing, and that may take a while, not to mention, it might be overlooked due to it being in a comment section. For the time being, please look elsewhere. I will have a list of critics in the Additional Helpful Material section of this book that you can look into for the time being.

There are three slots in total. That means if I'm given two reviews and one promo, I will stop taking further requests, and there won't be an "open slot". I will try to stay ahead of the game and post whether or not I'm available through the title and summary of the book.


I love it when people make fan-art of my stuff (whether it be books, profile, etc), or when people read, vote, or comment on my work. That's kinda nice. Oh! I love it when people follow me too (if you plan on doing a forever follow, not a "I'm-going-to-unfollow-you-after-I-get-what-I-want" kind of deal). Thing is, you don't have to do that. You can, but that's not what the payment is.

My payment varies from service to service, and there's an added bonus at the end of all this that can really make or break you receiving a review/promo from me. So read the rest of this chapter very carefully.

For those who want a public review/promotion, all I ask is that you vote and make a comment on the said review/promotion once it's posted. It can be something as simple as a "thanks for the review" or "Thanks for your help" for all I care. I just need you to do this because it lets me know that you've read it. Failure to do so, and you won't get another review/promo/whatnot ever again. I will message you if you haven't heard anything within a week, and if it's not paid a week after that message, then you'll suffered the repercussions mentioned earlier. That's two weeks you have to respond and vote before being banned.

Sorry. That's just how this thing works.

For private reviews, I obviously can't have you comment or vote on any of the chapters. You can if you want, but again, that won't tell me that you've seen it. What I need you to do is PM me as soon as you've received and opened the document so that I know you can see it. I'm not tech-savvy (like, I can't tell y'all how are lucky you are that I know how to use Wattpad), so the google docs can sometimes have a malfunction. No worries if it does. I'm tech savvy enough that I can play with the settings a bit to figure out how it works.

If I never received a message after two weeks of when I've sent a private review, then I'm going to assume you just wasted my time and I will never do a review/promo for you ever again. Sounds harsh, I know, but it's just a little thing called respect.

Luckily, so far, no one has ever suffered the consequences of this little rule of mine. Let's keep it that way, okay? I like helping others, so denying help because of the past makes me uncomfortable. I still have a strong backbone that I won't think twice about it, no need to worry about that, but just a fair warning.

That's everything*. So, now that you've read through my rules, understand when to put in a request, and know what payment I expect, please comment "Yeet" to let me know you've read the rules. After you've done so, please turn to the form you'd like to go to. If you don't comment this, then I won't accept because I'll know you haven't read everything on this page. I'm not a fan when people skip straight to the forms or won't read things all the way through. Trust me. It's there for a reason.

Good luck with whatever service you choose! I'm excited to see how I can help you all with your work!

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