Private Review Form

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This is the form for private reviews. It's the perfect option for those who want their book critiqued, but don't want people to know what someone thinks of the books strength and weaknesses. Keep in mind, if you do choose this, I will send you a google document. I will keep that google document existing until the beginning of June or the beginning of December. Once that month hits, I will delete it from my gmail account. If you ask for a review during those months, it will be safe until the other month (so if you request in June, it will be December when it's deleted, and vis versa).

During that time frame, you are to look at it, and do with it what you will. If during that time period you would like to have your review published, please let me know and I will publish it. I will ask a few questions about it (the optional parts to the review) so keep that in mind.

If you think this is the best option for you, the form is below. Please private message it to me. This keeps everything confidential. Even more so, on the list of reviews/promos I'm currently doing, this will show up as a "Slot Taken". No one will know this review is going on unless you say something. If you want to tell your friends, go for it. It's your review, and it's because of that, I won't ell anyone (except for the part where it says "slot taken" but even then, the book/writer are kept anonymous).

Also, keep in mind, I may not read the entire book. This same thing applies to public reviews as well. If you want me to read the entire thing, please have the book finished and tell me you want the book completed. If there are any updates while I read, I will not read those newest chapters. Sorry. It's all because of time and the other people who would want their books reviewed/promoted.

1.) Title

2.) Current Length

3.) Why you want a review (simple as "I want feedback" or "I'm entering a contest, and I wanna see how my book's doing" to something as complicated as "I want feedback on point A,B, and C").

4.) State "I Agree" if you are 120% certain that you're okay with me reading and picking apart your book. In return, I, Junie, will promise to state all the good, bad, and what needs to be improved, and use constructive criticism while I'm at it. Nothing I say is meant to offend people, but rather to help them improve.

That's it. Again, it's best if you private message me this so that we keep things completely confidential, but if you would like to comment, you can. Just know people may see that. Honestly, I don't mind what you do, just as long as you complete the payment once it's done.

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