Promotion: Forgotten Legends

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Forgotten Legends by Boomboxninja007

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Humor

Current Chapter Length: 12 Chapters

Update Schedule: Random

Quote: "The prophecy may say you're a hero, but you'll never be what the universe needs to survive." ~Darkwhisperer

Summary: "The Prophecy may say you are a hero but you'll never be what the universe needs to survive."

Cloud Star had always known he was different. From the day he exploded (not hatched) from his egg with sapphire colored scales, to the day his adopted father told him why he had to be kept a secret, until now, nineteen years later, when he must remain hidden to prevent an end to the nine Realms of Dragnaple, he had never doubted he had power, even if he had never felt it (or seen it). But what he hadn't suspected was just how much a dragon of his rarity was worth—and what some would do to secure him for their own selfish desires. But when Cloud is given the chance to leave his home and everything he's known behind and go out into the world and become the hero the Realms so desperately need, he will have to make a choice. Stay where he knows he will be safe—and watch the Realms destroy each other. Or break free of the expectations of his kind—escape—and become a hero that the universe could never have predicted.

I'm so thrilled to be given the chance to talk to the author of Forgotten Legends, Boomboxninja007, to learn more about what this book has in store.


JunieWeathers: What inspired you to write this story?

Boomboxninja007: I wanted to write something that could inspire the generation to be kind and accepting to all people, no matter how they look or how they talk. I had also read a lot of books where dragons were the villains, and I wondered why none of them were ever the heroes. Thus, the idea for an  unusually colored dragon, a social outcast, saving the world, formed.

Junie: That's a really interesting point, and it's awesome that could inspire you to write a story. What kind of challenges do you face when writing this story, and how do you overcome them?

BBN: Okay, so this story has gone through many revisions, and every time, I came back with the feeling that it wasn't right, and that no one would like it because it didn't fit in the categories of the more popular books of today. I had serious doubts at times if it was even worth finishing, but I reminded myself that it wasn't written to make me popular, it was written to help people. As someone who has been laughed at for the way I talk, it made me even more determined to complete this book and show that first appearances are quite often deceiving.

Junie: That is a really good way to motivate yourself in writing a story. Good job for pushing yourself through those hard points. What's your favorite part about writing this story?

BBN: The humor. Each character has their own extremely different personality, and the way they express themselves is hilarious, especially to poor Cloud Star who is trying to lead them.

Junie: Humorous characters are amazing. Do you have a favorite character you like to write about? If so, what is it about this character that stands out?

BBN: My favorite character is probably Meadow Grass. He's small, nerdy, and can tell you a million things about science that you would never want to know. Like me, he also has a major stutter. Also like me, he's kind, caring, and gentle.

Junie: Sounds like you really relate to that character. That's really sweet. Is there anything else you would like to share about your book?

BBN: Just that, I hope anyone who reads it  enjoys the humor, but most importantly, knows the true power of kindness, friendship, and love.

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