Public Review Form

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Heyo! Time for the part you've all been waiting for: the forms!

I'll jump right into the optional stuff. Again, optional, you don't have to do this. I put this in here because I don't do a review and a promo for the same book. This gives you an opportunity to promote your book a bit, all while getting some feedback.

So, first one, comments. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I'LL COMMENT ON YOUR BOOK! I've had people mistake this in the past. My comments are strictly on my time limit, wifi, and all that good stuff. What comments mean is that you already have comments in your book and you'd like to showcase them.

Comments can look something like "Wow! Awesome opener!" or "HOLY GUACAMOLE!! This is my new favorite book!" or any positive feedback you've already been given prior to the request.

I will be contacting you about what comments you want, so have 1-3 comments in mind if you want this option.

The second is a quote. This is a line from your book that you think really stands out. It can be a pivotal point for your character, a line that summarized your book, or even something that you think will catch the eye of a potential reader.

Notice how I am saying you. Again, you, the writer, are going to be choosing a quote for this section. So, keep that in mind that if you say yes. You can only have one quote, so choose wisely.

Finally, my personal fav, the interview. This is really fun because it challenges me to come up with questions based off of your book. Lots of writers have fun with this option because they get to talk about their book.

Interviews are very easy. I'll message you via the Private Messaging system (unless I know you through Discord, in which case, I might do it there). I'll ask some pretty basic questions that won't be included in the interview, but are needed as they are basic information.

Once that's done, I'll ask the following questions: 1.) What inspired you to write this story. 2.) What kind of challenges do you face when writing this story, and how do you overcome them? 3.) What's your favorite part about writing this story? 4.) a bonus question or two of my choosing (but geared towards your story that will help promote your story). 5.) Is there anything else you'd like to share about your book?

I try to make this as easy as I can. It shouldn't take more than an hour if we're book sitting behind a screen, but understand that stuff can happen in real life, so it can take a bit longer. All that I ask in an interview is that you reply back as soon as you see the question, and I'll do the same.

Outside of forms, keep in mind, I only review Pokéfic and BNHA/MHA fics. If you want your fic to gain more readers, I will accept it in Promotion only. If you really want a review, please refer to the other critics listed in the Additional Helpful Material section.

Kay, that's everything. The only thing I have to say is the following. Please understand, I may not read the entire book. This same thing applies to private reviews as well. If you want me to read the entire thing, please have the book finished and tell me that you want the book completed. If there are any updates while I read, I will not read those newest chapters. Sorry. It's all because of time and the other people who would want their books reviewed/promoted.

Please PM or comment the form below if you understand that and want a public review.

1.) Title

2.) Genre (list all that apply, like Pokéfic, MHA/BNHA fic, romance, action, etc.)

3.) Current Length

4.) Update Schedule (if not applicable, put NA, if updates are random, put Random).

5.) Why you want a review (simple as "I want feedback" or "I'm entering a contest, and I wanna see how my book's doing" to something as complicated as "I want feedback on point A,B, and C").

6.) Spoilers or no Spoilers (BUT, if you're the kind of person who's like, "tell me point A, B, and C" and choose no spoilers...we may have a bit of an issue. Also, I will read up to the part I feel like will reveal no spoilers, so keep that in mind if you're wondering why I'm not reading as much...sometimes it's just time commitment, but sometimes it's this).

7.) State "I Agree" if you are 120% certain that you're okay with me reading and picking apart your book. In return, I, Junie, will promise to state all the good, bad, and what needs to be improved, and use constructive criticism while I'm at it. Nothing I say is meant to offend people, but rather to help them improve.

8.) OPTIONAL: Comments (up to three)

9.) OPTIONAL: Quote (only one)

10.) OPTIONAL: Interview

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