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Liam sat in his room. The meeting with Simon had been over one hour now.

He felt incredibly guilty about the diary. He had not only broken into someone’s house and stolen the diary, but he had also invaded Patricia’s personal space.

He jumped out of his skin when he heard the knock on the door. He quickly hid the diary in his hand under the bed covers, before saying “Come in”.

Harry’s head peeked through the door. He eventually opened the door fully and stepped in.

“Are you OK, Mate?” he asked, sitting on the bed covers on Liam’s bed, possibly on the diary itself.

“No,” Liam mumbled, hoping Harry didn’t hear it, which he didn’t.

Harry felt something under his buttocks, it was highly unpleasant. It was a something hard and sharp. He was probably sitting on a corner of the diary.

“Well if you need to talk about something,” Harry said, “I’m here for you.” Harry then got up and made his way to the door.

“Wait,” Liam called out.  Harry stopped in his tracks and turned around. Liam fidgeted with his clean bed sheets. “I really need to get something off my chest. You can’t tell anyone!”

“You can trust me, mate,” Harry said, sitting on the bed again.

Liam spilled it. All of it. From when he had seen Patricia cut to how he had took the diary and what he had read in it.

Harry was stunned. His mouth had fell a little bit more as Liam had told him every little bit more.

“Wow, Daddy Direction gone bad,” Harry laughed.

“This is serious Harry,” Liam sighed, “I feel horrible.”

“Well where is this diary now?” Harry asked. Liam reached up and pulled it out from under Harry himself.

“Oh,” was all Harry said.

“Well, if you have it now, let’s go put it back.” He shrugged. “You know where they keep the spare key, right?” Liam nodded, sadly.

“Harry will you do it?” Liam begged. “I feel horrible. I don’t even want to go back there.” Harry smiled at his friend.

“Of course, Liam”, Harry smiled.


Patricia walked around her estate, looking around the place. Suddenly, she heard familiar barking. She already knew who it was that was barking. She hadn’t forgotten him at all.

She turned around to face her dog, Ace. But Ace wanted more. Ace leaped up on his hind legs and licked Patricia’s face.

“You have an energetic dog, dear,” Patricia’s neighbour, Ron, who was minding Ace, said. Patricia smiled, ruffling the dog’s fur.


Harry picked out the spare key and unlocked the door, tossing key back in the plant. He ran upstairs, with the diary in his hand.

He saw the chest Liam had told him to put the diary in. Harry opened the chest and putted the diary safely in, not even being tempted to read it once.

Suddenly, he heard a sob. He froze into place. He didn’t even have to turn around to know who it was. He still turned around.

And just as he did, he saw Patricia run away.

Oooo! They are in trouble. Everyone wanted Liam to get caught right? Well he will. Patients my cupcakes. (:

A lot of people gave me brilliant ideas. I will sooo use them all. And I will also, dedicate a chapter to each of you who gave me an idea. AND YOU WILL ALL GET A VIRTUAL COOKIE BASKETS!!

These people gave me good ideas and in these order. It’s all random.






If I left out anyone, tell me. Thanks for everything. This chapter was a mix of @qk2000’s & @Yummybath91’s and a smidge of my ideas. There we go, dedicated to @qk2000.

Also, check out my new story NO LUCK NO CHARM. If you're a real fan PLEASE check it out. And leave a feed back too (: (:

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