Girl in Past

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  • Dedicated to Demi Lovato

Hi guys, this in probably my quickest update ever! I had the time and idea this time... So Enjoy and PLEASE READ THE AUTHORS NOTE IN THE END! IT'S INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT!! :D


Patricia's POV:

I ran into my room, locking the door behind me. I was shaking uncontrollably. The story on the news had brought back memories that I hadn’t even forgotten yet.

My ‘father’, if that’s what you’d call him, is the reason for everything that’s wrong with me and my life. He has caused me everything I went and go through.

The depression. The way I find the need to harm myself. And most of all, my muteness.

What had started off as a way to keep the beatings and abuse within limits, had soon turned in itself, a huge psychiatric disorder.

I was only three years old. Just my dad’s baby girl and my mom’s princess. Little had I known that my dad would soon kick me right out of his world. My parents had separated and unfortunately, my father had been chosen as my guardian. My mother wanted to get far away from my dad, so I never really saw her. I talked to her on the phone in the start but soon all connection we held was gone.

My father had started drinking soon after. At first, it was just minor insults, that could be easily ignored by someone older, but not a three-year old girl. It eventually led to physical abuse.

I’m still shivering, tears streaming down my face as I lie curled up under my bed. I can still smell the alchol that was found everywhere in my house.

By the time I was eleven years old, I was considering my options. My best option then was suicide. Unfortunately, I couldn’t even do that! I knew that if I wasn’t around, the object of my dad's anger would be himself, and even though i hated my dad, I couldn't let him hurt himself.

My school life was no better. I was hated and insulted. Almost every kid made fun of me because of my bruises and scars. Why wouldn't they? After all, they were only strangers. They weren't going to sugarcoat it, my own father never did.

although there was a boy. i don't remember his name, but it began with a 'H', i think. also, he had the sweetest little dimples, and he knew just what to do and say to make someones day better.

He was the closest thing to a friend that i ever had, in Chesire.

Suddenly, the door creaked open and someone's TOMS-Clad feet stepped in.

"Patricia?", Louis's voice was heard. "Patricia!", he walked around the room. i kept quiet, not wanting to be found. A sob came out. "Patricia?", Louis called, again, as I covered my mouth. There was silence for a while, when suddenly, he looked under the bed. "There you are." he smirked, crawling in beside where I was curled up.

"Are you OK?", he asked, concerned. "What happened? Liam said you ran out of the room without explanation. He's worried that he said something. I think you're going to have to tell him that it was nothing." Louis said. I didn't say anything. "Or you could just give him a hug," he slowly crawled out, dragging me along with him.

The light hurt ever so slightly.

"Are you crying?", Louis said, now able to see my face. I looked at my lap, trying to hide my face. He lifted my chin up, wiping my tears away. "Think you need a hug," Louis said, pulling me closer to him.

I felt somehow secure. Like someone to feel with a brother. He pulled back.

"You have cow webs in your hair," he pulled me to my feet, and led me to the bathroom.

I stood there, slightly shaking as he helped me clean up.

"We're still friends, right?", he asked me, while handing me a towel to dry my wet face. I nodded, causing him to smile.


Hello again. Anyway, the important news.

I'm starting secondry school. Meaning, more pressure, more studying, more homework and less computer time. So until I learn to juggle everything, there'll be less updates, probably a tiny little chapter written on the weekends. Sorry.

Although, this was a short chapter, it tool time and effort.AND I UPDATED TWO DAYS AGO!

 Writing this story is really hard for me, since I've never been the quiet type. It's definitely a challenge, but it's not impossible thanks to your never ending support.

¬TheSpiritOfLove xx

PS: 13 comments and 15 votes. And advice on if I should enter this in watty awards...

PPS: Could you PLEASE check out my latest story She's in love and he's in it for fun.

PPPS: And I could also really use some idea of how it feels to be bullied, if any of you have had the experience. Thank you! :D

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