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"Lix, calm down! You're going to start hyperventilating if you keep worrying like this!" Chan reasoned through the phone.

Felix was sitting on the floor with his favourite Stuffie in his lap in an attempt to keep himself calm, but he kept trying to slip.

"But- But Channie- Chan! I can't hold it!" He cried, wiping at his eyes.

"Calm down, baby, I'm almost home-" Felix always found his voice more calming when he stopped yelling.

Jisung began banging on Felix and Changbin's door, opening it without a response.

"Hey, Felix! Hyunjin wants to know if you can play a- are you okay?" Asked the squirrel boy upon seeing the tears falling from the younger's eyes.

"Go away Sung- Jisung," he cried even harder. "L-leave me alone!"

Felix pulled his Stuffie to his chest as he continued to shout at Jisung, telling him to get out.

The rest of the members began moving towards their friend's room to see what the commotion was all about. Luckily, Chan got back quicker than expected.

He raced towards the room his friend was located in, his body becoming a battering ram to move the rest out of the way before slamming the door in Jisung's face.

After the time Chan locked the door and shouted at the other members to go back to what they were doing and mind their own business, he sat himself down on a bed and pulled Felix into his lap.

"Hey, Bubs, tell Papa Bear what happened?" He asked softly as the small towheaded boy cried into his chest.

Chan gave the younger a moment to sort out his thoughts, carrying him on his hip as he began collecting things to calm him down.

"W-well, Lixie had just been c-cleaning, and he d-drop- he dropped a c-cup and it-" Felix used his hands to imitate an explosion as he made a sound effect similar to that of breaking glass.

Chan began pushing Felix's hair out of his face and wiping his tears. "Keep going, Jikseu, I'm not going to judge you."

Chan came back to his bed, taking a seat on the bed beside Felix's discarded stuffie. He handed Felix one of his blankets which the he would greatly prefer to Chan's now snot stained tight fitting black shirt.

"W-well, Lixie was going to clean it up- but Min-Min y-yelled at Lixie and-and he got scared."

"And th-then Binnie told Min-Min off! He was like Lixie's prince charming and Lixie wanted to s-slip-you know how Binnie makes Lixie feel- but Lixie knows he's not supposed to so he didn't- and-and- Lixie's sorry, he couldn't stop it!" He cried hiding his face in the older Aussie's shoulder.

Chan sighed softly as he shook his head in disappointment. He was supposed to be able to trust the other members with keeping their maknae line safe and happy, but this happens too frequently for him to be surprised anymore.

"Lix lix," Chan whispered to the pastel haired boy.

Felix lifted his head from Chan's shoulder at his name.

"I'm not mad at you. I just have one question."

Felix gave a nod, telling him to ask.

"Bubbles or bath bomb?" He asked, causing Felix to giggle.

"Bubbles!" He cheered.

Chan gave a slight nod and held up Felix's soft blue pacifier at which the child-like boy made grabby hands.

Chan handed him his chewing toy and gave a slight nod as he exited the room, carrying Felix to the bathroom swiftly. He made sure that the bath was warm and filled with bubbles before he placed the now naked boy into the bath. He would let Felix play around for a while so he could talk to a certain someone.

The rest of the members had already congregated in the living room after being pushed into walls when Chan had first arrived back. Jeongin and Jisung got slightly frightened when Chan came back with a scowl carved deep into his features. The other members were more concerned for Minho than scared of Chan.

"I want to speak with Minho. Alone."

The other members left the room quickly so as to not disturb Chan. The only member who took their time leaving was Jisung, and that was because he wanted to make sure Minho was okay, but Hyunjin came back to pull him out of the room.

When Minho stood maybe a foot before Chan, the older spent no time in grabbing the collar of his shirt. "What are the rules of this dorm?" He asked in a deep gravely voice.

Minho rolled his eyes at this. It wasn't the first time he had been scolded for making Felix cry, but it was certainly the most lackluster of the times.

"Don't leave dishes around the dorm. Go to sleep before midnight. Be home before ten. No cursing or yelling at the maknae line." Minho listed off as though he had memorized from previous encounters with his leader.

"Who are the maknae line?" Chan asked.

"Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin."

"And what did you do?"

"I yelled at Felix."

Chan let go of Minho's collar, causing him to stumble back a little bit. "Don't do it again. Understand?"

As Chan walked out of the room to return to the little he had left in the bathtub to play with his bubbles, he shouted loud enough for the rest of the team to hear: "We're changing the rules. No cursing in front of Felix and no yelling at Felix."

»»----- ✼ -----««

Once Chan was done bathing Felix he brought him back to his and Changbin's room in order to get him all dressed for bed and junk.

"Which onsie do you want, Bubs?" He asked, giving Felix a grin.


When Chan had returned to the restroom he was clearly very uptight and upset, but upon seeing his fellow Australian dressed up in his favourite onsie with his favourite Stuffie and his blankets and binky, he couldn't help but grin.

He brushed the smaller Aussie's hair out of his face. "You ready for your nap?" He asked softly.

Felix gave a slow, sleepy nod. Chan placed the small one in his bed and pulled the covers up to his chin.

"I have something to tell you and the members when you wake up, okay?" He asked, pressing a kiss to Felix's forehead.

»»----- ✼ -----««

"I'm leaving the dorms for two weeks." Announced Chan as he glanced among the seven different boys in front of him.

"B-but, Channie!" Felix pleaded. The rest of the group didn't understand why Felix always acted up henever Chan left for a few days.

"I'm sorry Lix, we'll talk about it later, okay?" Chan told him, ruffling the soft white locks. The small boy just huffed and marched out of the room.

Chan sighed to himself. "Okay, moving on, are any of you good with children?"

Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, and Jeongin all raise their hands.

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