Ch 21 - Homes Part 1

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"I'm as sweaty as a Homewrecker meeting parents."

Well that's a Two From The Board thing, but I got you.



Yay for a day off. With Rias having summoning requests, homework, and then to top it a girlfriend like Ravel it has been a busy week. It was a day to finally have just to lay back and such. No alarm clock was a breeze. Just being able to kick back and relax was an amazing thing to do. The sun was almost at the top as you hear something. Ruffles. Not the chips but the blanket moving.

"Hello?" You yawn.

"Aww. I thought you'd be asleep." Ravel complained from under the covers.. "How was I supposed to have fun when your awake?"

"That sounds wrong." You shook your head.

"It's cute seeing you react." She was still under. "Well, what's your reaction when I tell you I'm naked? How's that?"

"What now? Why?" As you two have admitted, you aren't in that kind of relationship yet.

She had finally popped her head up. Though you notice that around her neck and shoulders is just bare skin. No skirt or bra. "Problem?" She cooed.

"Uhhhh, didn't expect that..."

"Well we're lovers. And you haven't," Her face turned pink. "Seen me. You haven't even seen up my skirt. I know you're curious. You're a boy."

"Well you didn't have to, I mean-" All flustered. Whatever game she was playing she was winning with no wya of you catching up.

"Surprise." She giggled. Pulling the blanket down from over her torso. To reveal a purple yukata. "Like it?"

"That's your color

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"That's your color. Looks really good on you." You do your best to breath and not fumble your words. Phew!

"Did I make your laugh? Or did I scare you?"

"Haha. Both. Can't lie you got me." A chuckle of relief. What a way to start your day.

To make matters more complicated, your phone started buzzing. It wouldn't be Rias or any of the girls. They would knock. Without checking who, you just hit accept.


< Hi sweety. >


< How are you? >

"Fine. Fine."

< Is everything good in the new residence? Make friends? Passing classes? Any girls? >

"Well, funny you say that..."

"Hun who is it?" Asked Ravel.

< Which roommate are you with you (FN) > Asked your mother.

Sassy Bird (Ravel X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now