9• A weird meeting.

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Deals with suicide, so if you don't like that... Uh, you don't have to read it...

You sat there with your arms uncomfortably around Ryder while you two watched the movie. You were starting feel as if you were forcing yourself into this relationship. Ryder smiled as he looked down at you, all you gave him back was a meekly little smirk back.

"Hey, Ryder, I think I'mma go." You said while you stood up and stretched.

"Kay, love you." He said smiling as he waved you off.

"You too..." You whispered before you left.

You closed the door and let out a sigh. You had no idea if you love him or not, it's kinda hard to tell now. You felt as if you were in love with another, but you had no idea who. You took a deep breathe and walked off into the city. The busy streets seemed comfortable at this time, with all the loud noises, yelling, and the occasional honk of the cars. You found yourself stopped at a lamp post not wanting to move. That's when you saw them. There Lydia and Lawrence were, standing on the other side of the street.

"Lydia?" You called out.

"Y/n, is that you?" She yelled back.

"Yeah, hey..." You said as you ran over to the two.

Beetlejuice stood their quietly as you and Lydia went back and fourth. He didn't want to get into a conversation with you since you remembered nothing about your guy's relationship.

"Yeah, I just came back from Ryder's... I just don't know if I love him anymore, I have a feeling deep down that there's someone else... I hate it." You said all at once, Beetlejuice heard and looked at you.

"Candy uh, I think we should get going..." Beetlejuice impatiently added.

"Oh uh, you're probably right... Nice seeing you Y/n!" She called out before leaving you alone again.

You watched them leave as you stood there alone, they mixed with the many people before they were gone and out of your sight. You let out a sigh as you tried to find your way home. You gave up trying as you forgot how big this city was. You couldn't take it. You climbed the later of an old building that went out of business years ago. You climbed til you reached the top and were out of veiw. You looked down at the quiet street away from the busy ones and just took in the veiw, it'd be the last one you'll see anyway.

Beetlejuice had knew something was wrong with you, so he snuck off from Candy to follow you. He was still climbing up the ladder before he saw you staring down over the street.

"Please tell me you're just taking in the veiw..." He said quietly as he saw you.

"W-what are you doing here?"you studdered stepping away from the edge.

"Y/n, please don't jump... I don't you don't care for me at all anymore, but I care about you sooo much and I'd hate for you to do this."

"Tell me, why do you care for me so much... I've never met you in my life." You sighed looking him into his eyes.

You've never met him and were quite scared of him, but it almost feels as if you've known him a thousand years.

"Okay... I won't jump... Just leave me alone, you're getting creepy." You said coldly as you pushed past him to get to the ladder.

You stood there with a heartbroken look on his face. With a snap he was back at Candy's place.

"Candy?" He called out.

"Over here Beej, what'd you need?" She smiled as she spoke.

"We need to leave. I can't bare another moment of this."

"Leave to like.... The Netherworld... Or like, leave the house?" She questioned.

"The Netherworld"

She stood up from her chair and agreed. With a puff of green smoke, they were gone.

You eventually found a way back home after wandering the city for hours. You thought of what Lawrence on the roof, you thought it was all quiet creepy. But I guess if you see someone about to commit suicide you'd probably stop them. You open the door and took out your phone to see it was dead. So you plugged it in and fell asleep on the couch.

Short Chapter. Haven't posted in a while. Yea. Schools a bitch, so like, yea. This will probably be how I normally write. Besides like weekends, I might post more then. Other than that... That's really all.

Votes and comments are very nice always 👌

Author out!

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