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When the bright light of the early morning sun shone trough the window only to fall upon Jeno's face the male's eyes fluttered open.

His stomach grumbled in protest, reminding the male about his lack of dinner from the night before.

He grabbed his phone from his nightstand seeing the time, he sighed contently.

Plenty of time to shower.

He quietly made his way to the small bathroom were he stripped down. He placed his towel on top of the closed toilet and placed one of his hands underneath the running water to feel whether or not it was warm enough yet.

Once the male finally was standing in the shower he inspected his body. He ran his fingers over the uneven skin on his thighs. The ugly red and thick scars that decorated the pale skin, some old some newer.

It has been about a month since he last cut himself.

Donghyuck knew.

Donghyuck also thought he had stopped about a year ago.

Jeno knew he had to stop for real now. The younger male would notice if he didn't.

His secret made him feel dirty. He knew it was wrong.

It was like a guilty pleasure whenever his pocketknife sliced trough his skin.

When he heard the all to familiar sound of Donghyuck's alarm clock he turned the water off and quickly dried himself before brushing his teeth and getting dressed.

The campus that morning was way more quiet than yesterday when the two of the arrived. Tired students were walking over it like crawling ants trying to make their way to their first class. Nobody said a word. Everyone was either half asleep or trying to get some caffeine in their system so they wouldn't fall asleep as soon as they sat down to listen to the teacher.

Jeno was still happy with the study path he chose.

Visual and applied arts wouldn't get him anywhere in the future, at least according to his parents, but he would at least have a good time studying it.

Their very first course was fine art. Not exactly Jeno's favorite, also not something he hated doing.

They found mark in the big room full of students. The Canadian was with his friends.

One of them made chills run down his spine.

Seeing how Donghyuck's tanned face was turning a sick white color, the younger probably also noticed.

"Hey guys! This is Renjun and this is Jaemin" Mark introduces the two strangers. The one who seemed to be Chinese had dark brown hair and a short mullet. He was wearing worn out vans and dark brown plaid pants that Jeno's grandpa probably also could've worn. On the white shirt with underneath a white blouse was a graphic drawing of a green alien.

Jeno assumed the male would be the typical 'artsy' student who tried just a little too hard to be unique.

The other, Jeno could barely recognize. It was his wide smile with pearly white teeth who gave him away. Jaemin had soft pinkish hair. The male was wearing a simple striped, long sleeve shirt with black jeans and white shoes.

Jaemin probably didn't recognize him. The last time they had seen each other was three years ago. Back than Jeno was still in what he liked to call 'his ugly phase'. Back than he had weird glasses, was around 30 kg too heavy, under 1,60 meters and his hair that once was blue had faded into an ugly green color that honestly would look good on nobody.

Na Jaemin had already been pretty back than. He has always been pretty.

Too bad he has a shitty personality.

When he introduced himself to both of Mark's friends he saw the younger, pink-haired male had been confused for a short while before shrugging it off.

When class finally started and he moved to the back with Donghyuck the tan male couldn't wait to start talking.

"Are you okay? I don't think he doesn't recognize you... what the fuck why does Mark have shitty friends? We can't hang out with them now can we? What are you gonna do if he really doesn't recognize you?"

Jeno thought before smiling softly. "Use it to my advantage. We're definitely going to hang out with them Donghyuck"

"You're being weird. What's up?" The male whispered, because the teacher had started to talk.

'Revenge' answered Jeno in his head while taking notes about the first assignment they had to do.


In case you were wondering, I was trying to describe these;

In case you were wondering, I was trying to describe these;

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