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Jeno had to turn in his picture for photography today.

The picture itself had turned out pefect, you honestly had to try really hard if you wanted to take a ugly picture of someone like Jaemin.

When Jeno returned in the dorm this morning and saw Donghyuck was still sound asleep he had felt a wave of relief wash over him.

The younger knew nothing about his night stroll.

Right now he was facing another problem.

He was going to see Jaemin again in photography.

He was nervous because of their last conversation. He hadn't been quite nice and honestly didn't know how the younger was going to react when he saw him.

He blamed his nerves on the fact that he was scared his mastermind plan wouldn't work out rather than being scared he actually hurt Jaemin's feelings.

He was going to do that anyway. He can't be scared of it right?

Once he had given the picture to his teacher he sat down in his regular seat. He waited.

Jaemin didn't come.

He didn't see him for the whole day.

Jeno's mind was working overtime.

What if something happened to him? What if he didn't come to school because he didn't want to see Jeno? Did he hurt himself?

Where the fuck is Na Jaemin?

After school he immediately went to his dorm. He knocked on the door three times, shifting his weight from one leg to another while waiting for someone to open the door.

It was Renjun.

"Hey Jeno. What's up?"

"Jaemin wasn't in class, is here?"

"Yeah he is, wanna come in?"

The black haired male nodded and quietly followed the Chinese into the door.

When he finally caught a glimpse of the pinkhead he wasn't very surprised by he fact he stayed home.

Jaemin was very sick.

"I'm gonna leave. You two don't break this dorm down" Jeno chuckled and waited for the sound of the door closing before he sat down on the edge of Jaemin's bed.

He inspected his sleeping face. His cheeks were stained with a soft read and his bangs were sticking to his forehead.

He still looked pretty.

"I'm sorry" Jeno whispered softly, immediately regretting it when a soft smile cracked onto Jaemin's face which indicated the boy never had been sleeping in the first place.

Jaemin opened his eyes and sat up. His loose tank top was sticking to his chest.

"You shouldn't be" he said while avoiding eye contact, which Jeno honestly was glad about.

"How did you submit your picture? Not very nice to start of a class with a bad grade" Jeno commented.

"I didn't" Jaemin answered which surprised him quite a lot.


"I didn't want to submit it because, well, you basically.. I didn't want to put you into a... situation. I just told her my camera broke down and I couldn't save the content. She gave me an extra week" Jaemin shrugged.

Jeno was surprised once more.

"Thank you" he whispered sincerely.

He looked up and met eyes with Jaemin. Jeno felt a softly pink dust his own cheeks. Jaemin moved closed before he carefully placed his hand against the side of Jeno's face and finally connected their lips.

Jeno didn't protest.

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