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Donghyuck was quietly walking on the dark campus. He was going to meet up with someone, and this time it wasn't Mark.

Yesterday he found the small blade of a pencil sharpener underneath the rug of their bathroom. With a heavy heart the younger had placed it back.

Jeno can't find out he knows.

Speaking out of experience, it would only make things worse.

Yet it still was the last droplet that made the bucket overflow.

Someone needs to be out of their lives and their was only one way to make them leave. The truth.

The sick and twisted truth.

Though the windows of the building Donghyuck could already see him sitting.

The male had been surprised when he asked to meet up.

The warm atmosphere of the café slightly calmed his nerves. Jeno was going to be very mad at him. Jeno was also mad at him when he told him to stop cutting himself. Donghyuck felt like this was the same.

He had compared the relationship between Jeno and Jaemin like a boy who desperately wanted to pluck a rose, yet kept forgetting those beautiful flowers have thorns. They'll hurt you. Jaemin will hurt Jeno, therefore, Jaemin needs to leave.

He sat down and greeted the pinkhead with a nod of the head.

"Why did you want to meet up? You sounded kind of serious" Jaemin asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I need to tell you something, you need to listen" the male started. He took a big sigh and started his story. "Your brother is Na Jiwoon, correct? Well Jeno's brother is, was Lee Minhyuk. Does that ring any bells? Jeno isn't very stable mentally and basically only hangs out with you is to get back at you because Jiwoon bullies Minhyuk into taking his own life. I didn't stand behind this whole plan in the first place, but right now it's getting out of hand and Jeno just... he's in a bad place mentally. Basically, I recommend you to leave Jeno alone"

He saw the pinkhead take in the information. He saw how his face pulled into several emotions. The last one which it stayed in was anger.

Not just anger. Jaemin was furious.

"Jiwoon did not bully Minhyuk. Check your facts. I will definitely leave you freaks the fuck alone. You're sick in your head"

He left. The chair fell on the ground, he stomped out of the café while people turned their directions.

All Donghyuck could do was feel satisfied.

Yet a little voice in the back of his mind was asking him why Jaemim denied the bullying.

Because it was the truth.


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