White Wolf

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[No One's POV]

The icy woods were full of sounds for the white wolf that raced across plain after plain of icy woods.

This wolf was clearly no ordinary animal, as it's eyes glowed as a fire would, as it raced across the frozen land of Narnia.

Suddenly, the wolf slowed down considerably, and it was behind some trees, then the young girl came out.

She had a sword on her hip, a bow on her back, along with it, a sheath of the arrows of ancient times, and a dagger.

A black bear, and a hawk were also in the clearing, and they stood up, as two men, part of a group of freedom fight.

"Wilburn." The girl said to the hawk man, who had leaped down from the tree that he had landed in, and stood in front of her, and he looked at her.

"What news do you bring us? Of the White Witch?" The bear asked, as he to was now a huge burly man.

"You are really very welcome for me risking my neck for the information is this how you greet me Fredo son of an bear?"

The girl asked, reaching for her sword, and the bear backed away, and knelt.

"My apologies young wolf. We really do wish to hear the news, as it pleases you to tell us."

Fredo said, and the young girl let her hand fall from the hilt of the sword as she watched him.

"What can you tell us of the Witch's plans from the skies Wilburn?" She asked, looking at him.

"Not as much as you White wolf, but what I do know for certain, is that..."

The hawk started, his face serious, and suddenly, the lamppost had been restored. "The lamppost."

The young girl said, and Wilburn looked at her, and Silver looked up, and she was back in her wolf form.

Wilburn took to the skies as a hawk once more, and Fredo skulked away, and into the darkness again.

Silver stayed and watched, as a girl, younger then she was even, maybe at the age of 8, was now talking to the coward faun Tumnus.

The wolf knew that he was a very much cowardly spy for the White Witch, preferring to stay away.

The White Wolf, blending in with all of the snow around her, crept into the clearing, counting on the snow, to be her protective camouflage.

A low growl came from the wolf's lips, as Tumnus got closer to the girl, who's name was Lucy Pevensie.

The wolf's lips drew back, as she was now baring her fangs at Tumnus, who was prepared to run, with Lucy blind from the so called 'kindness'.

The wolf went low to the icy ground, and lunged at the legs. Tumnus hit the wolf over the head with a stick, as her fangs sunk into his left leg.

Suddenly, the wolf felt a blinding pain in her head, and she collapsed hard as she managed to get to the safety of the house of the Beavers', just before her vision was black.

The Beavers had brought her inside, and she was back in her ordinary, but still formidable form, as they did their very best to make her comfortable.

Then, when both of the kindly creatures backs were turned, her eyes opened, and they were shining.

Mr Beaver turned back around, and he heard the growling before he saw the fearsome white wolf standing on his table. "My dear."

He said to his wife, who nodded.

"I understand."

She said, and the wolf was looking around, then, it wasn't the white wolf anymore.

"My dear. Who are you?" Mrs Beaver asked, handing her a big bowl of stew, and she looked at the kindly beaver.

"I am one of the freedom." The girl said, eating the soup quickly, and the Beavers kept filling up her bowl.

"My name is Silver. I have the most dangerous job because of my chosen shape."

The girl said, and then Mr Beaver looked at her, at the small girl who looked so innocent.

But was clearly so much more then that. "What is your job then young girl why is it only for you?"

He asked, and the girl looked at him.

"I am a spy on the White Witch, because of my wolf shape." The girl said, and Mrs Beaver gasped.

Mr Beaver just stood there, clearly shocked. "I report to both sides, and my group makes the plans to attack, or to save."

She said, and Beaver said nothing, but his mouth was agape, clearly shocked, to the core by the revelation.

"You are welcome to stay here as long as you need and more." Mrs Beaver in a state of shock, managed to squeak in the conversation, as she walked away.

"I must go. Now." The girl said, grabbing her weapons and left Mr Beaver very much confused, as she ran away, racing off quickly.

The icy plains were once again the home of a White Wolf, as the warrior ran across the plains, racing towards the Stone Table, where the true king of Narnia would be.

Silver stood up in the shadows of the dusk, and the king stood there, his tail swishing in the wind. "Aslan."

She said and he looked at the young warrior, and she walked to the lion, as she was kneeling before him, he said nothing.

"You have done well White Wolf. But is it true, that the daughter of Eve has come to Narnia?"

The mighty lion asked, and Silver nodded, looking up at him, as her eyes glowed like fiery embers.

"Yes. I sense indeed that she has. She has brought her siblings along as well, there are three others."

Aslan said, and Silver looked at him.

"Is it true? Is the great prophecy finally coming to light?" She asked, as she stood up, and he looked at her.

"Yes it is. The daughters of Eve and sons of Adam. The four in the legend prophecy."

He said, and her look would send any normal lion away, from the amount of sheer pain in it.

"What would you have me do?"

Silver asked, and he looked at her.

"Keeping them is our absolute. We cannot lose them young wolf. Protect them with your life."

He said, and the girl knelt, before she went wolf, and raced off, back toward the Beavers' den again.

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