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{Silver's POV}

I saw that spring was finally coming home, and that the snow was gone, as it lost the hold on Narnia, that it held for so long. "Follow me."

I said, as we walked into Aslan's camp. I walked into the camp, and they all followed me.

Mr and Mrs Beaver included, and the others bowed to Peter, Susan, Lucy, as well as I, as if I was one of them.

A centaur blew a horn, warning the camp that there were people, well, or other newcomers, that they had not seen before, walking into the camp.

We walked through the camp, and I sheathed my new sword, and held my head high, looking more at ease, then I ever had before around the four.

Peter walked beside me and Susan on our other side, with Lucy just behind.

I saw that the Beavers, were now looking at the camp with awe in their eyes.

"This is your army your majesties. Only a small portion of course, but it is."

I said, and Peter smiled, with awe all over his face. The entire army gathers behind us, and I looked into the tent.

Peter unsheathed his sword, and I sighed. "That is Orieus. Aslan's second in command on the battlefield."

"He will soon be your second in command on the long battlefield King Peter." I said, and he looked at me.

"I'm no king."

He said, and I looked him, dead in the eyes at him, full in the face, smiling at him gently, and my eyes were full of mischief. "Not yet."

I said, and Aslan emerged from his tent, the kingly lion, the True King of Narnia, and I knelt, unsheathing the sword Loyalty, and laying it at his feet, pledging myself again.

I felt his mighty paw on my shoulders, and he looked at me. "Rise Silver wolf. Lady Protector of the Four Children."

"The first female knight of Narnia, protector of the king and queens to come, Wolf Walker. The slayer of traitors."

Aslan said, and I looked up at him.

"I bade you. Rise White Wolf of Narnia." He said, and I stood up, and the surrounding armies cheered.

They were stamping their feet, rearing for the centaurs, and I smiled, and I looked at Aslan, stepping back to rejoin the three children.

"Welcome Peter, son of Adam."

He said, his voice deep, like velvet.

"Welcome Susan, daughter of Eve."

He said, his voice like soft silk.

"Welcome Lucy, daughter of Eve."

He said, sounding rough and terse like a round of sandpaper but his tone still gentle.

"But where is the fourth?" He asked, and I looked at him. "He has gone to the White Witch willing." I said, and stood up to address him.

"It's my fault really."

Peter said, and I looked over at him.

"I was too hard on him, and it drove him away, unfortunately it ended him up in the White Witch's grasp."

He said, and I shook my head. "I should have been more attentive to him. It was also my fault. I was the one who was supposed to protect you all. Edmund is included." I said.

"Sir, he's our brother." Lucy said quietly, looking to be on the verge of tears, and Aslan sighed.

"I know dear one. But that only makes the betrayal all the worse." He said, as I nodded.

"This may be harder than you think."

He said, and I sighed. "I tried to do it with my father, but he went to Jadis, and he joined her ranks."

I said, and Peter looked at me.

"Which one?" He asked, and I looked at him. "The worst of them. Maugrim." I said, and he looked at me.

"The leader?!" He asked, and I nodded at him understanding the horror all in his face.

"He is unable to shift back now. He is forevermore a wolf." Aslan said, and he was talking directly to me.

"I understand. When I see him, I'm gonna kill him." I said, and walked up onto the hill, the grassy ledge really, that overlooks Cair Paravel.

I was soon joined by Peter, and I felt his hand in mine, and I looked at him, and he looked down at me.

"What is it?"

I asked, and he looked at me. "You never told anyone about your father before did you?"
He asked, and I shook my head at his once again correct assumption. "Only Aslan knew."

I said, looking at Cair Paravel again.

"That is Cair Paravel, the castle of the four thrones." Aslan said, as he walks up next to us.

"In one of which, you will sit Peter, as the High King." I said, knowing exact, what he was going to say, and I lower my head.

"You doubt the prophecy?"

I heard Aslan ask him, and I sighed at nothing in particular as I continued to watch the castle, still aware of Peter's other hand in mine.

"No. That's just it." He said, and I looked at him. "Aslan, I'm not who you think I am."

He said, and I smiled at Aslan.

"Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley. Beaver also mentioned, that you had a plan on turning him into a hat." Aslan said, and I laughed quietly, and bit my lip hard in order to stop.

"Peter, there is a Deep Magic, more powerful then any of us, that rules, over all of Narnia. It defines right, from wrong, and governs all of our destinies." Aslan said. "Yours... and mine." Aslan also said just after.

"But, I couldn't even protect my own family! I needed Silver by my side, to even help fight off three wolves." He said, and I looked at him.

"You didn't need me. You only think you did. But you didn't." I said, and he looked at me.

"How would you know?"

He asked, and I looked at him.

"Because I can tell. Just by looking at you. The High King Peter. Of Narnia."

I said. "You've brought them safely this far." Aslan said, and he looked at me. "Correct you have."

I said, and he shook his head. "Not all of them." He said, and Aslan looked at him.

"Peter, I will do what I can to aid, save, and help your brother, but I need you to consider what I ask of you. I too, want my family safe."

Aslan said quietly.

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